Grai Language in Albion | World Anvil
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Grai (Gry)

The primary language spoken by the Pitic is Grai (Common trans. "Patois") and is a contact language heavily influenced by Venic, Broceliandic, and Avalonian.
Several contact dialects have developed over the course of their history:
  • Grai Agaue [Uh-GOW-ee] (Common trans. "Anneal"), commonly spoken by Omulsur Pitic
  • Grai Aliaj [AH-lee-azh] (Common trans. "Alloy"), commonly spoken by Primordium Pitic
  • Grai Fortifis [FOUR-tee-fees] (Common trans. "Fortify"), commonly spoken by Micutii Pitic
  • Grai Kwell (Common trans. "Quench"), commonly spoken by Gnom Pitic


8 Words.
Spoken by

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