White Roses Tradition / Ritual in Alben | World Anvil
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White Roses


This game was started around the turning of eras, it started in the Hill Lands with the Alrites as a game that was played to test their luck and strategy. It then traveled with those who left the area for the southern areas and joined the Albenis people, and became common place with them as well.


To play this game you must have a five pointed star, fancy sets will have a start painted on it, while a lot of people will play with sticks, branches, or even flower stems, as the lines of the star.
White Roses Board
  Each player (up to five) will place one of their Rose Tokens on any point of a star or line intersection. The go clockwise around the circle placing down their tokens.   Continuing around the same clockwise pater as before the players will each take one turn per round. On a turn they can either roll the dice, or move a piece in play. All while trying to win the game by placing all five of your rose tokens on all the points of the star, or being the last on to have tokens on the board.   On of the actions you can take on your turn is rolling the dice. You do this if you wish to add a piece to the board. Formal sets will have roses carves on three sides of the dice, a moon on one side of the dice, and the elements on the remaining two. Otherwise people will use the numbers to represent these, usually saying that even numbers are roses, threes and fives are elements, and a one is the moon. Whatever the dice lands on you can add to the board, if it is a rose you can place it on an adjacent spot to any of your rose tokens. If it is a moon or element you can place it below one of your roses face down so that no one else knows what in underneath. You can only have one under each rose.   the other action you can take is to move one of your roses, and you can only move one to an adjacent space. If there move into a space occupied by someone else rose there is an attack the outcome of witch is displayed by the chat below where; Stalemate = no one moves all modifiers are destroyed, Win = Attacker move forward and the whole defense is destroyed as well as attackers modifier, Loss = Whole attacker is destroyed as well as defenders modifier, Destruction = Everything is destroyed.


Rose -> Modified Rose = Loss

Rose -> Rose = Stalemate

Water Rose -> Air Rose, Dark Moon Rose = Lose

Water Rose -> Fire Rose, Earth Rose = Win

Water Rose -> Light Moon Rose, Rose, Water Rose = Stalemate

Earth Rose -> Fire Rose, Dark Moon Rose = Lose

Earth Rose -> Air Rose, Water Rose = Win

Earth Rose -> Light Moon Rose, Rose, Earth Rose = Stalemate

Fire Rose -> Water Rose, Black Moon Rose = Lose

Fire Rose -> Earth Rose, Light Moon Rose, Air Rose, Fire Rose, Rose = Win

Air Rose -> Earth Rose, Black Moon Rose = Lose

Air Rose -> Water Rose, Light Moon Rose, Air Rose, Fire Rose, Rose = Win

Dark Moon Rose -> Rose, Water Rose, Earth Rose, Fire Rose, Air Rose = Lose

Dark Moon Rose -> Dark Moon Rose = Stalmate

Dark Moon Rose -> Light Moon Rose = Destruction

Light Moon Rose -> Rose, Water Rose, Earth Rose, Fire Rose, Air Rose = Win

Light Moon Rose -> Light Moon Rose = Stalemate

Light Moon Rose -> Dark Moon Rose = Destruction

Components and tools

Minimum you need to play the game you need to have; a six-sided dice, a five pointed star, wooden tokens (at least 10 per player)   Tokens

5 - Rose Tokens: These have a carved rose on both sides.

1 - Moon Token: One side has a black moon and the other one has a white moon.

1 - Water Token: One side have a water drop on them.

1 - Earth Token: One side have a leaf or plant on them.

1 - Fire Token: One side have a flame on them.

1 - Air Token: One side have a swirl on them.
Primary Related Location

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