Goblins Species in Akiviras | World Anvil
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Long before dwarves had emerged from their mountain halls, elves had settled the forests or humans had erected their giant cities, there were the goblins. The oldest civilisation on the continent, and definitely one of the most dangerous. Their millenium-long reign over the surface world proved beyond doubt that the goblins are matched in ambition only by their cruelty.  


Goblins are said to be the oldest species on Akiviras, though they were not encountered until approximately 8000PE. Before this time, goblins occupied subterranean underground passages lit by bioluminescent fungi; the Underworld. Goblin society was the most advanced of its time; a central government with an emperor at its head, with a provincial government for civil affairs. The goblin emperor was considered divine by the goblins under them, and was said to join the personal court of Maglubiyet upon their death. The rest of goblin society was organised on a 'caste' system. At the top of the social hierarchy were the 'Lashers'; goblin nobles. These were goblins that had been trained in the ways of battle, as well as other important or useful skills such as mining, beast taming, forging, smelting, and religion. Below them was the 'Warrior' caste, comprising every goblin trained in warfare but not much else. The second-lowest caste of goblin society was the 'Gatherer' caste, responsible for farming and cooking for the entire society. The final caste of society were the 'Pariahs', whose role changed depending on the status of the area. If the land was rich and the goblins have many slaves, then the Pariahs were responsible for ordering them about. If such was not available, then the Pariahs were forced to do such work themselves.  

The Slaughter Wars

It is predicted by historians that goblins were aware of the existence of humans for some time prior to 8000PE, and had been secretly kidnapping slaves from the surface world for quite some time. However, around 8000PE, humans dug down too deep in the search for bronze and discovered several of the goblin cities. Left with no further way to continue their secret existence, the goblins overran the surface world. Armed with iron, superior numbers and advanced combat tactics, the battle was extremely one-sided. The name for the war is spawned from the incredible brutality that the goblins showed during the fighting, sparing nobody who fought back against them. By 7800PE, the war was over. The goblins had claimed the entire surface world, and humans and elves existed only as slaves to their relentless empire.  

Goblin Dominance Over Akiviras

The reign of the goblins over the surface world lasted just shy of eight thousand years. During that time, the goblins built many cities and constructions above ground, but made few advances technologically without the threat of outside interference to drive them onwards. Though they made some of the earliest aquaducts, are credited with the first adoption of the written word, and even made an effort to learn the languages of their slaves, they also became decadent and began a slow decline in power. They did, however, become the first Akiviras-native nation to develop working boats, though their crude progression in this area was overshadowed in approximately 2000PE when the Westmen arrived on Akiviras.  

Fall of the Goblin Empire

The downfall of the goblins was due to a million small factors, but can mostly be boiled down to three essential causes. The first was the humans and elves already on Akiviras. In the preceding millenium isolated human rebel tribes finally discovered the secret of iron smithing, either from observing their captors or from learning the practise themselves. It is also possible, though unlikely, that they were aided by some form of early dwarf civilisation. Once the fall of the empire came in earnest, humans and elves rose up against their captors, attacking with an unexpected vigour and using thousands of years of careful observation and planning to hit the goblins where it hurt the most. The second reason was the goblins themselves. With the abundance of slaves and resources that the overworld provided, even the pariah caste had become decadent and weak. Millenia without war had left the warriors of the goblins without anything more than theoretical experience, and their enemies raised on hardship and oppression were able to take full advantage of this fact. And the third contributing factor to the goblin's downfall was the arrival of the Westmen, who quickly broke whatever fragile peace agreements they had with the goblins and began a long and bloody war. This period of history is confusing, chaotic and bitter, but historians roughly split it into two sections. The first is the Westmen-Goblin War beginning in 1400PE, where the arriving humans fought the goblins in a series of protracted land skirmishes. This is also the point where the drow, a faction of the elf resistance, defected and joined the goblins, beginning a strong alliance between the two races. The second period is known as The First War, as humans and elves finally gained enough strength to rebel in earnest and the goblin empire toppled after eight hundred years of a grinding, back-and-forth war of attrition. The goblins were shattered and forced underground, where the entrances to their caverns were gradually sealed up one by one. That is where they remain to this day, huddled around their altars to Malglubiyet, whispering to each other in the dark and promising that some day, one day, they will have their revenge.  

Goblin Equipment

In battle, goblin soldiers wore mainly three armour types. The first is the version most commonly affiliated with goblins as depicted in artwork, though may have been the rarest of the three. This armour consisted of broad ferrous strips ('girth hoops') fastened to internal leather straps. The strips were arranged horizontally on the body, overlapping downwards, and they surrounded the torso in two halves, being fastened at the front and back by means of brass hooks, which were joined by leather laces. This armour was equal in protection to modern-day banded armour, but was very expensive and difficult to maintain. As such, it was reserved for goblin legionaries (heavy armour troops) of the Lasher caste. The second armour, by contrast, was a type of mail armour used by most of the Warrior caste. It is mostly similar to modern chain mail, and it is believed that early elves adapted the first chain mail directly from their goblin former overseers. Finally, the third type was a type of early goblin scale mail worn by many of their miscellaneous troops. These armour types were complimented by a helmet, mostly a galea-type for the officers and a montefortino helm for the regulars, and a shield, most commonly a scutum design only ever adapted for goblin armies. Goblin weapons were as rigidly enforced as their helmets. The common infantry weapon was a a short sword with a 24" blade, ideal for the close formations that goblin legions were accustomed to fighting in. Cavalry and late infantry troops sometimes carries a type of long sword ideal for horseback combat. Though early goblins used spears, they quickly switched them out for heavy throwing javelins. When missile weapons were called for, goblins used composite short bows as the weapon of choice.  

Goblin Worship

Goblins worship one god, and one god only; the vicious and evil Maglubiyet. Celeanist doctrine claims that Maglubiyet was the son of God, cast down into the depths of the underworld for his trickery in consigning human souls to Hell. There he roams for an eternity, bitter and spiteful. Goblins believe they can earn his favour by righting the ancient wrongs done to their people, retaking the surface world and this time banishing humans to the darkness below. They hate orcs more than anything, as their religious doctrine claims that Maglubiyet is currently fighting a war among the stars against the spirits of the orcish dead. In short, goblins believe Maglubiyet is the enemy of most other forms of life, and that they will be rewarded for aiding him in his vendetta.
A goblin war party ready for battle, with weapons suited to their duties.

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