Gnolls Species in Akiviras | World Anvil
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Gnolls are consumate raiders, bullies, bandits and scavengers. Among all the races of monstrous demi-humans on Akiviras, gnolls are by far the most dangerous both alone and in groups. Though their small numbers often prevent them from being a genuine threat, their normal warbands can reach up to four hundred members, making them a terrifying threat to face. Standing over seven feet tall and with an appearance that resembles hyena-men, they are a petrifying sight even without their terrific strength and wide assortment of weapons employed.  


Gnolls are widely believed to be descended from giant-folk, though their exact ancestry is unclear. Traces of their warbands have been sighted in history as far back as 624, although it is possible that they have existed long before that. Many ancient sources depict large, inhuman creatures with weapons and armour vaguely similar to that of modern gnolls. However, this could account for a number of other giants, and thus no official record of ancient gnolls can be proven.   

Modern Day

Like many monster races, gnolls have not often interefered with the course of civilisation on Akiviras. Though they enjoy raiding and looting as a form of worship towards their god (see after), they are not difficult to wipe out provided a large enough response is mobilised. While they have a firmer grasp of tactics than many monster races, they have yet to grasp the subtleties of battlefield strategy and generally rely on lightning-quick strikes to paralyse an enemy before they can be countered. The most dangerous feature of a gnoll warband is their speed and hiding abilities. Due to their loose organisation and scarce living environments, a gnoll warband on the hunt can move incredibly quickly and quietly, striking from surprise with incredible ferocity before disappearing into the night with no trace. They leave no survivors save the ones they take as prisoners, meaning gnoll raids can often be difficult to identify as such. Telltale signs include villages deserted seemingly overnight, missing soldiers, and multiple mysterious raids in a similar area. Luckily, warbands will tend to settle down into semi-permanent camps once they discover a place with good raiding prospects. It is thus possible to triangulate the rough position of a gnoll camp and strike it before the creatures move on. Standard proceduce in these endeavours is to leave nobody alive, not even the women or children. Gnolls are utterly evil and without mercy as a species, making total extermination the only way to deal with them.  

Gnoll Religion

Gnolls are not evil incarnate without reason. At some unknown point during their history they became demon-worshippers as a race, holding up the dread prince Yeenoghu as their prime god. It is unclear as to whether Yeenoghu had a hand in creating the gnolls, or if he was summoned from the Abyss by their collective desires. Whatever the reason for his presence, Yeenoghu is the patron lord of all gnolls and demands monthly blood sacrifices accordingly. Gnolls follow the leadership of their shamans, who compel them to greater and greater evil deeds in the name of their dark masters. Extremely powerful gnolls, such as the King Gnoll who terrified Carrow Country from 1442-1448, have even been known to summon and bind demons to their will.

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