Creation of Akentro Myth in Akentro | World Anvil
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Creation of Akentro

In The Beginning there was only the Void. As the Void was lonely it wished itself a partner. From this Wish the Abundance came into existence.   At first The Void was happy that it finally had a friend, and so was Abundance. But with Abundance came the Many: The Water, The Air, The Fire, The Earth, The Soul and so much more. Abundance did not mind being with the Many, and offered them to stay with them.. The Many mingled with each other and prospered with the Abundance. As such our plane came into existence: The Combination of Water and Earth created The Seas, Mountains, the Planes on the Earth, also Fire and Air brought the Suns and Moons and Stars into the Heavens. Over time the Void became jealous of the Many, as they were so close with the Abundance, and the Void wanted the Abundance for itself. So the Void whispered lies into the ears of Fire, Wind, Water and Earth: Abundance was just using them to become even more, they should leave it abandon it. To prove this the Void made itself small, to make the Abundance look bigger. The Elementals grew angry with the Abundance and called it out on its egoism and left the Abundance, to live with the Void. Finding this new companionship pleasing the Void forgot about the Abundance. Abundance saw through this plot, and cried heavy tears for this injustice, why was it to suffer this loneliness. The Soul stayed with the Abundance, it animated what was left by the Elementals: As such life came into existence and with it man and animal. Seeing this the Void became furious: It commanded the Elementals to strike at the Abundance and Souls Creation. But this time The Abundance stroke back. Now bitter enemies the two sides fight an eternal war to snuff out each other.


Marble makes puff, pushed away the chaotic ethereal Sea -> shore becomes material plane. Marble makes graaw and eat everything it touches. ethereal Sea and Co make waaaagh on the material plane.

Historical Basis

Akentro is a World that exists in the primordial tides of the Ethereal Sea. The Plane itself came into existence when a single Marble of Creation sprang to life. This marble brought Order in the chaotic plane and enabled Life as we know it. First the effect of the Marble was only small and contained, but over time its influence grew. On the Edge of this eternal struggle between Chaos and Order the material plane came into reality, the larger the influence the bigger the plane grew.   This Process wouldn't last for all time thou. Chaotic incursions from the elemental planes threaten to destroy the fragile balance of creation. And another Problem became apparent: with growing influence the Marble of Creation became a condensed essence of Order. This essence is harmful for everything that comes in direct touch with it as it becomes a part of the marble and is ripped from this plane.   The chaotic incursions didn't stop and the largest to this day, the great tide, threatened the Marble itself. If pure Chaos was to come in contact with this pure Order a chain of events of unforseable Disaster could arise. As such the then High-Tech civilization of the Prometheans decided to shield the marble by construction a giant tower to house the marble.   This Shielding Project was a success but doomed the Prometheans: pouring any available ressource in the Bryd/Nyd-Facilities there was not enough man power to save the civil population. only a friction of the Promethean civilization survived the great Tide. Those few remaining souls made it their mission to protect the marble, and are doing so to this day.


Every civilized Society
Date of First Recording
~ -1000 BE
Date of Setting
Year 0

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