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Mostly covered in huge seas and grassy plains, Akejans thrive on their hunting industry, with southern countries producing yearly hauls of sea catch and northern countries selling thousands of pounds of meat. In addition, a booming tourism industry drives much of Akeja's economy, with tourists coming from hundreds of nearby planets to visit the hotbed of sin that is the region of Eikres.   None of this comes without a price, however: the oligarchic Akejan government, centered in Heopram, is a corrupt force driven by their ever expanding desire for riches and land. Building funds to buy up nearby planets is a daunting task, and as such they're willing to do whatever it takes- including ever-increasing taxes, working with Akejan gangs, and hiring out foreign mercenary organizations. Naturally, not everyone agrees with the government's doings. Small groups of citizens called "Thuzades Diselaj" or "Seeing Eyes" have formed to combat local corruption- with any method they see fit.   The Akejan government, in addition to purchasing land, is also funneling money into researching the so called "Isothaj" or "Feelers" that have sprung up in recent years- Akejans with psychic powers ranging from full-blown telekinesis to vague, often incomprehensible visions. Their origin or reason for coming into being with such powers is not understood, so the Isothaj are hunted down and experimented on. The only ones left untouched often have gang protection. Only one Isoth is mostly safe in the public eye: a cult leader with mild telekinesis, who leads his followers deep into the desert to preach his views of peace- or so he says. Reports of weapons caches being sent into the desert have caught the attention of the authorities, and while the native desert dwellers are claiming they ordered the shipments, rumors abound as to their true destination.

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