Bercermin Labirin in Ajahta | World Anvil
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Bercermin Labirin


  Mirrors have long been rumoured to be portals to other worlds. In many cultures, a mirror is said to show not just the physical reflection of a person but also a glimpse into their soul. Some cultures claim if you look too long, a part of your soul gets trapped inside. Some say the world beyond the mirror already holds twisted versions of you, and that sometimes your reflection may move a split second later than you do.   It is for these reasons that there are societies to this day that believe you should not have too many mirrors in the house. Some say one must take care of and note the angle of the mirror you use, for fear that something would climb out. Others say if you touch the mirror at the wrong time, you will fall in - and something else may come out.

Portals Through The Looking Glass
  The first written recording of such a note comes from the findings amongst a VIking clan when a woman named Alys claimed she fell through her looking glass into an odd semblance of a forest city. Her ramblings - taken down some hours later - were written off as a concussed delusion. She was found by her brother with a gash on her head next to said mirror.   Some decades later, a young woman named Alice Liddell claimed something similar - that she fell through a mirror, and into another world. The medical professionals she spoke to took down her exact statements, but it is clear from their notes that they did not believe her. They suggest her descriptions - of floating mirrors and glimpses through them as though through windows - during her fall down what she said was a rabbit hole was a result of an overactive imagination. It is believed to be caused by a mixture of the mushroom quiches served at her mother’s tea party that have since been discovered to contain hallucinogenic properties, and the stories she read in her father’s study.   More recently, an Alice Hamilton was found unconscious at a construction site in New York a few hours after leaving the apartment she shared with her mother for a walk. Her waking words were reportedly about another world, though she has since then not mentioned such. The construction worker who found her claims she was mumbling about activating a looking glass and leaving somewhere called Wonderland. There has been no further conversation about this however.          

The Coda

  Whether the mirrors lead to other worlds or to a pathway of mirrors from which one can enter other worlds is unclear. Every note of such a phenomenon can be rationalised away - and any change in behaviour can be attributed to some trauma encountered just before. It remains to be seen by any sort of analytical reasoning that the existence of such a labyrinth or pathway exists.     Editor’s Note: The burden of proof lies with those society is already inclined not to believe.
Editor’s Note 2: Augustus North’s experiments to capture the different angles of light has been pointed at by his colleague Jonas Fields as deductive proof as to the belief on the doppelganger effect, but no one beyond Fields finds any difference in North’s behaviour. Fields’ assertions have led to his suspension from his workplace, but North remains on campus.
Augustus North's story can be found here.

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