Anam in Ajahta | World Anvil
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  Once a mortal, the being known as Anam is now something other. They have little recollection of their mortal life, but it has formed them - and The Waypoint around them - over the millenia. It has left them with an almost unending well of empathy and understanding to offer those that pass through The Waypoint’s doors, but little in ways of other recognisable emotions.  
Anam; meaning nameless, so taken as they had given up their mortal name many millenia ago and now no longer remember it.
  There are moments over the many years where Anam comes close to feeling despair, to feeling rage, when particularly young mortals find their shelter in The Waypoint. These moments are rare and fleeting, and it is during them that Anam has glimpses of their past.   They will offer all customers a listening ear, but they are not there to make your decisions for you. Merely to guide you, and provide you with a safe space. They are of The Waypoint, and The Waypoint is of them.     The things Anam knows of their own past are this:
  • The decision to form The Waypoint was unconscious, a silver of the otherness of the worlds sensing their need for sanctuary and providing them with The Waypoint.
  • It is a great trauma that led to this decision. They know this logically, but no longer possess the memories of the events themselves.
  • Their emotions did not disappear overnight, but with time and distance from the events that led to the creation of The Waypoint, they moved further and further away from mortal.
  • They feel, but at a distance. As if almost through the mists that surround The Waypoint itself.



Anam’s physical form is indistinct. They flicker and adapt to features that their customers would find comforting and familiar. They maintain a humanoid form, but even they are unsure if they were originally human, or simply a mortal that had a similar form.
The person behind the counter - a being decidedly not human, she was sure, but something more, something to guide lost souls like her - gave her that same kind smile they had greeted her with.
- as described by a former patron in an anonymous post.
You can delve into Anam’s point of view with The Roads We Choose To Travel.

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