Scarlett Hirashima Character in Aion | World Anvil
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Scarlett Hirashima

(a.k.a. Scar)

Physical Description

Body Features

Standing at an impressive height of 6'1" and weighing 160 lbs, Scarlett has a commanding presence. Her long, light blonde hair cascades into back-length ojou ringlets, framing her face and giving her a regal appearance. Her striking purple eyes add to her captivating allure.

Facial Features

Scarlett's face is characterized by a strong jawline and high cheekbones, giving her a chiseled and elegant look. Her lips are naturally rosy, and her skin has a fair complexion with a healthy glow.

Physical quirks

Scarlett has a habit of absentmindedly twirling her fingers through her hair.

Special abilities

Scarlett possesses the affinity known as Damage Control, which grants her abilities in Bio-Combustiokinesis and Destruction Manipulation. This allows her to manipulate and control biological substances and harness destructive forces. Coupled with her martial arts skills, her special abilities make her a formidable opponent in combat.

Apparel & Accessories

Scarlett is often seen wearing a combination of practical and stylish clothing. She prefers outfits that allow freedom of movement, such as form-fitting pants, lightweight boots, and a durable yet comfortable top. She also wears fingerless gloves to protect her hands during combat. As a nod to her noble heritage, she occasionally incorporates elegant and ornate accessories, such as a pendant or a hairpin.

Specialized Equipment

Scarlett's primary weapon is Last Laugh, a pair of gauntlets specifically designed for her combat style. Additionally, she carries a utility belt that holds various tools, such as a grappling hook, lock-picking tools, and healing potions. She also possesses a compact journal and sketchbook, enabling her to document her adventures and make quick notes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Scarlett grew up in a wealthy noble family in Chamberfield, Caelania. Her family was well-known in the community, and Scarlett was expected to follow in her parent's footsteps and become a successful businessperson. However, Scarlett had other plans. She was always interested in adventure and exploration, and she yearned for something more exciting than a life of luxury and privilege. At 18, Scarlett pursued her dream of becoming an adventurer by attending Grand Ridge Academy. Over the past two years, she has traveled across various kingdoms and explored ancient ruins, battling monsters and discovering lost treasures. Despite facing many challenges and dangers along the way, Scarlett has proven to be a skilled fighter, using her martial arts training to fend off attackers and protect herself and her companions.


Scarlett is currently a third-year student at Grand Ridge Academy, where she receives comprehensive training in combat, survival skills, and exploration techniques. She has also sought out additional mentors and trainers to further enhance her abilities.

Intellectual Characteristics

Scarlett possesses a sharp intellect and a thirst for knowledge. She is a quick learner, adapting to new environments and situations with ease. She has a keen eye for details, allowing her to observe and analyze her surroundings effectively. Scarlett's adventurous nature fuels her curiosity, driving her to seek out new information and expand her understanding of the world.

Personality Characteristics


Scarlett is motivated by a deep-seated desire for adventure and excitement. She yearns for the thrill of exploring uncharted lands, battling formidable foes, and unlocking the mysteries of ancient civilizations. This motivation fuels her determination to break free from the expectations placed upon her by her family and society. Scarlett seeks to prove that she is capable of achieving greatness and finding fulfillment through her pursuits rather than conforming to traditional norms.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Exploration: Scarlett thrives on the adrenaline rush and the thrill of discovering uncharted territories.
  • Martial arts: She enjoys honing her fighting skills and pushing herself to new limits.
  • Fine dining and luxury: Despite her adventurous spirit, Scarlett appreciates the finer things in life and enjoys indulging in exquisite cuisine and luxurious experiences.
  • Animals: Scarlett has a soft spot for animals, particularly rare or exotic creatures, and she takes pleasure in observing and interacting with them.
  • Challenging herself: Scarlett is constantly seeking new challenges and pushing her boundaries to grow as an adventurer.


  • Boredom and monotony: Scarlett has an aversion to routine and seeks excitement in every aspect of her life.
  • Poor hygiene: Scarlett values cleanliness and cannot stand unclean environments or individuals with poor personal hygiene.
  • Being underestimated or belittled: She dislikes being judged solely based on her noble background and strives to prove her worth beyond societal expectations.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Loyal: Scarlett values her friends and companions, and she always stands by them no matter the circumstances. She is fiercely protective and would risk her life to ensure their safety.
  • Determined: Once Scarlett sets her mind on a goal, she pursues it with unwavering determination. She never gives up easily and faces challenges head-on, always striving to improve and overcome obstacles.
  • Empathetic: Scarlett possesses a strong sense of empathy, and she deeply cares about the well-being of others. She goes out of her way to help those in need and is quick to offer comfort and support.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Stubborn: Scarlett can be stubborn and resistant to changing her mind once she has made a decision. This trait can sometimes lead to clashes with others who have different opinions or ideas.
  • Haughty: Due to her noble upbringing, Scarlett can come across as haughty or prideful. She is accustomed to a certain level of luxury and refinement, which can lead to clashes with those from different backgrounds.
  • Impatient: Scarlett has a strong desire for action and can become restless when things move too slowly. She often seeks immediate gratification and can grow frustrated when faced with long periods of waiting or inactivity.

Personality Quirks

  • Scarlett has a habit of speaking with a confident and assertive tone, often using grandiose language that reflects her noble upbringing. She enjoys commanding attention and presenting herself as a figure of authority.
  • She has a soft spot for elegant and refined aesthetics, often appreciating beautiful landscapes, architecture, and artwork.
  • Despite her noble background, Scarlett has a tomboy streak and enjoys engaging in activities typically associated with masculinity, such as physical training and combat.


Contacts & Relations

Scarlett maintains a wide network of contacts and allies within the adventuring community. Scarlett has formed strong bonds with her fellow adventurers at Grand Ridge Academy, including Priscilla Langston, Ayako Yoshifumi, Yanina Romanovna, and Tatianna Estimar. They form a team known as PSTAR and often collaborate on missions and quests.Scarlett possesses excellent social skills and can adapt to various social situations. Her noble upbringing instilled in her the importance of etiquette and manners, allowing her to navigate formal gatherings with ease. Additionally, her adventurous nature and empathetic personality make her approachable and relatable to individuals from different backgrounds. Additionally, she maintains a few trusted contacts within her noble family, although her relationship with them remains somewhat strained.

Family Ties

Umiko Hirashima

Scarlett's Mother. A strict and traditional woman who comes from a long line of successful businesspeople. She disapproves of Scarlett's adventurous path and wishes for her to focus on the family business.

Yashiro Hirashima

Scarlett's Father; A supportive and understanding man who encourages Scarlett to follow her dreams. He has always been fascinated by tales of exploration and enjoys hearing Scarlett's stories from her adventures.

Kagome Hirashima

Scarlett's older sister, who followed the family's expectations is now an accomplished businesswoman. There is a strained relationship between the two due to their differing lifestyles and values.

Rikako Hirashima

Rikako Hirashima is Scarlett's younger sister. Unlike Scarlett, Rikako has always been more inclined towards scholarly pursuits. She excelled in her studies and showed a natural talent for magic at a young age. Rikako attended the prestigious Eastside Academy in the capital city of Caelania, where she honed her magical abilities and became a skilled mage. While Scarlett ventured into the world of adventure, Rikako chose to focus on her studies and magical research, hoping to make groundbreaking discoveries and contribute to the advancement of magical knowledge.

Social Aptitude

Scarlett possesses excellent social skills and can adapt to various social situations. Her noble upbringing instilled in her the importance of etiquette and manners, allowing her to navigate formal gatherings with ease. Additionally, her adventurous nature and empathetic personality make her approachable and relatable to individuals from different backgrounds.


Scarlett possesses an air of confidence and self-assuredness, which is reflected in her regal posture and dignified mannerisms. She has a habit of maintaining direct eye contact when engaging in conversation, conveying her attentiveness and sincerity. Scarlett also tends to gesture with her hands while speaking, emphasizing her points and adding a touch of expressiveness to her communication style.

Wealth & Financial state

While Scarlett comes from a wealthy noble family, she has chosen to forge her own path as an adventurer. As a result, her personal wealth is primarily derived from the rewards and treasures she accumulates during her quests. She is not driven by material wealth but rather seeks valuable knowledge and experiences.
Current Status
Date of Birth
November 11
Year of Birth
2105 NA 20 Years old
Chamberfield, Caelania
Light Blonde, Back-length Ojou Ringlets
160 lbs
Aligned Organization

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