Quimera Species in Aion | World Anvil
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Quimeras are a sub-race of Demihumans. They are the byproduct of Humans and Beastkin.

Basic Information


Quimeras possess a fascinating blend of human and beastkin characteristics. Most notably, they exhibit slight animal traits such as ears, wings, and/or a tail, while retaining an overall human appearance. These animal features vary greatly among individuals, resulting in a wide range of unique combinations that make each Quimera distinct.

Biological Traits

Quimeras possess a unique blend of physical traits inherited from their human and beastkin ancestry. These traits can include a wide variety of animal features such as ears, wings, tails, fur, or scales. The manifestation and combination of these traits differ from one Quimera to another, making each individual a distinct representation of their mixed heritage.

Genetics and Reproduction

The creation of a Quimera occurs through the union of a human and a beastkin, resulting in a hybrid offspring. The specific genetic makeup of the parents determines the manifestation of animal traits in the Quimera. In terms of reproduction, Quimeras are capable of breeding with both humans and beastkin, perpetuating their unique lineage.

Growth Rate & Stages

Quimeras develop at a similar rate to humans, progressing through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. During these stages, their animal traits may become more pronounced or develop further, but the majority of their growth remains in line with human patterns.

Ecology and Habitats

Quimeras can be found in a wide variety of habitats, as their diverse ancestry allows them to adapt to different environments. They are not restricted to specific regions or ecosystems and can thrive in diverse settings, whether it be bustling cities, dense forests, or arid deserts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Quimeras share similar dietary needs with humans, as their human physiology dominates their biological requirements. However, depending on their animal traits, some Quimeras may exhibit preferences for certain types of food. For example, those with avian features may have a higher protein intake, while those with feline traits might display a preference for meat.

Biological Cycle

Quimeras follow a biological cycle similar to that of humans. They experience a regular sleep-wake cycle, requiring rest and recuperation, and undergo physiological changes associated with puberty and aging. However, their unique blend of genetics may influence the timing and intensity of these biological cycles.


Quimeras exhibit a wide range of behaviors influenced by both their human and beastkin heritage. Their actions and inclinations can vary greatly, as they possess the capacity for both human rationality and the instincts inherent in their animal traits. Some Quimeras may display characteristics associated with their animal features, such as heightened senses or particular instincts, while others might exhibit more human-like behavior.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Quimeras possessfacial characteristics that predominantly resemble those of humans. However, depending on their animal traits, they may exhibit subtle variations in features. For example, Quimeras with feline traits may have slightly elongated eyes or more pronounced cheekbones, while those with avian features may have a sharper jawline or a more pronounced nose.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Quimeras possess a mix of human and animal sensory capabilities. Their senses, including sight, hearing, and smell, are generally comparable to those of humans. However, depending on their animal traits, Quimeras may have enhanced or specialized sensory abilities. For instance, individuals with feline traits may possess sharper night vision, while those with avian features might have heightened auditory perception.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

  • Quimera have heat cycles: Contrary to popular belief, Quimera DO NOT have heat cycles. It is an offensive stereotype that racists came up with.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Drow society tends to view Quimera with disdain and prejudice. They perceive Quimera as impure and inferior beings, often treating them as outcasts or slaves. The Drow's deep-seated prejudices and sense of superiority contribute to their negative assumptions and mistreatment of Quimera.
  • Elves generally hold mixed views towards Quimera, ranging from cautious acceptance to skepticism. Some Elves appreciate the unique blend of Human and Beastkin traits in Quimera, recognizing their potential contributions to society. However, others may view Quimera as unnatural or disruptive to the natural order, leading to tensions and distrust.
  • Humans have a varied response to Quimera, reflecting the diversity of Human attitudes. Some Humans embrace Quimera as valuable members of society, appreciating their diverse abilities and unique perspectives. Others may hold biases or fear Quimera due to their animalistic traits, leading to discrimination or segregation.
  • Goblins, being pragmatic and adaptable, tend to have a more accepting view of Quimera. They appreciate the potential strengths and capabilities that Quimera brings to their communities. While individual Goblins might still harbor prejudices based on personal experiences, Goblin society may be more open to integrating Quimera into their ranks.
  • Dwarves approach Quimera with a practical mindset. They value individuals based on their actions and contributions rather than their appearance. Dwarves may appreciate the unique skills and perspectives that Quimera offers, but biases or stereotypes may persist within certain factions or individuals.
  • Orcs generally have a neutral stance towards Quimera, viewing them as another sentient race with their strengths and weaknesses. They prioritize individual merit and strength, evaluating Quimera based on their actions and abilities. While some Orcs may be more accepting, others may still hold reservations or skepticism, particularly if Quimera displays traits reminiscent of races that Orcs have historical conflicts with.
  • Among all the races, the Beastkin are the most accepting of Quimera due to their shared ancestry. Beastkin recognizes Quimera as kin, appreciating their hybrid nature and the blending of their respective cultures. Quimera often finds a sense of belonging and acceptance among Beastkin communities, where they can fully embrace both their Human and Beastkin heritage.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80-100 years
Average Height
5-6 feet (1.5-1.8 meters)
Average Weight
150-250 lbs (68-113 kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Quimeras exhibit a diverse range of body tints, colouring, and markings, influenced by both their human and beastkin lineage. Their skin tones can range from the palest of humans to the rich hues found among various beastkin races. Additionally, some Quimeras may display unique markings or patterns on their skin, reminiscent of their animal traits. These markings can take the form of spots, stripes, or other distinctive patterns, further enhancing their individuality.
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