Priscilla Langston Character in Aion | World Anvil
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Priscilla Langston

Priscilla Beverly Langston (a.k.a. Prissy)

Physical Description

Body Features

Priscilla possesses an hourglass figure with well-defined curves. Her height of 6'4" gives her a commanding presence, and she carries herself with confidence and grace. Priscilla's emerald green eyes are vibrant and expressive, reflecting her energetic personality. Her wavy brunette hair cascades down to her shoulders, framing her face and adding to her overall charm.

Facial Features

Priscilla's facial features are a blend of softness and strength. She has a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and a well-defined jawline. Her expressive eyes are complemented by thick, neatly shaped eyebrows. Priscilla's lips are naturally full, often adorned with a vibrant shade of lipstick that adds a touch of femininity to her overall appearance.

Physical quirks

When Priscilla is focused or deep in thought, she tends to bite her lower lip lightly. It's a subconscious habit that manifests when she's strategizing or contemplating her next move during combat or other challenging situations.

Apparel & Accessories

Priscilla's attire combines functionality and style. She often dons a form-fitting sports bra and shorts that allow for freedom of movement during training and combat. Over her sports attire, she wears a sleeveless jacket with a high collar and intricate embroidery, symbolizing her journey as an adventurer. Priscilla completes her ensemble with fingerless gloves, matching her gauntlets' dragon motif, and comfortable yet durable athletic shoes.

Specialized Equipment

Apart from her dragon-shaped gauntlets, Laolong and Baolong, Priscilla carries a compact first-aid kit, essential for tending to minor injuries during her adventures. She also carries a lightweight backpack containing provisions, water, a small toolkit, and a journal to document her experiences.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Priscilla was born in Chamberfield, Caelania. Growing up as the youngest daughter of Tara Langston, she was raised in an environment that demanded strength and self-reliance. To protect her from potential threats, Priscilla received rigorous combat training from a young age. She developed a particular interest in boxing and dedicated herself to the sport, becoming a professional boxer known for her exceptional skills. Despite her family's criminal background, Priscilla chose a different path, aiming to become an adventurer and explore the world beyond the shadows cast by her mother.


Priscilla is currently a third-year student at Grand Ridge Academy, where she receives a well-rounded education that combines academic studies, combat training, and practical skills necessary for aspiring adventurers. Her education focuses on subjects such as history, literature, survival skills, and martial arts techniques. Priscilla also seeks additional training and mentorship from experienced adventurers to expand her knowledge and skills in various areas.

Intellectual Characteristics

Priscilla possesses a sharp and analytical mind. She is quick to assess situations, identify potential risks, and strategize accordingly. Her intellectual capabilities allow her to adapt to new environments and challenges with ease. Priscilla's curiosity and thirst for knowledge drive her to constantly seek new information and learn from her experiences.

Personality Characteristics


Priscilla's main goal is to step out of her mother's shadow and establish her own identity. She wants to prove that she can be successful on her own terms and not solely as a member of the Langston family. Priscilla is motivated by the desire to be recognized for her individual achievements and abilities rather than being defined by her family's reputation. She seeks personal growth and strives to surpass her own limits.

Likes & Dislikes


  1. Boxing: Priscilla has a deep passion for boxing and enjoys the physical and mental challenges it presents. She finds solace and a sense of empowerment in the ring.
  2. Exploration: Priscilla loves venturing into uncharted territories, uncovering hidden treasures, and unraveling the mysteries of the world. She finds joy in the thrill of discovery.
  3. Fashion: Priscilla has an eye for fashion and enjoys experimenting with different styles. She appreciates the artistry behind clothing and accessories, often incorporating her personal touch into her outfits.
  4. Challenges: Priscilla thrives when faced with difficult tasks or obstacles. She embraces challenges as opportunities for growth and pushes herself to overcome them.
  5. Spending time with friends: Priscilla cherishes the company of her close friends. She enjoys engaging in lively conversations, sharing adventures, and supporting one another.


  1. Being underestimated: Priscilla dislikes when others underestimate her abilities or judge her based on her appearance or family background.
  2. Dishonesty: Priscilla values honesty and dislikes deception or manipulation in any form.
  3. Flirting with her mother: Priscilla is protective of her mother and dislikes when others flirt or make inappropriate advances towards her.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Energetic: Priscilla enjoys having fun and living in the moment. She approaches life and adventures with enthusiasm, optimism, and a sense of spontaneity. Nothing keeps her down for long.
  • Upbeat: Priscilla has a naturally cheerful demeanor. She often brings joy and laughter to those around her, even in challenging situations.
  • Resilient: Priscilla is highly determined and doesn't give up easily. She faces obstacles head-on and perseveres through adversity, always striving to achieve her goals.
  • Courageous: Priscilla has a thirst for adventure and a fearless nature. She embraces the unknown and is always willing to take risks to explore new territories and face powerful foes.
  • Loyal: Priscilla values her friendships deeply and is fiercely loyal to her friends. She always has their backs and is willing to go to great lengths to help and support them.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Impulsiveness: Priscilla's adventurous spirit sometimes leads her to act impulsively without fully considering the consequences.
  • Stubbornness: Priscilla can be stubborn and resistant to changing her views or opinions, especially when it comes to matters she feels strongly about.
  • Impatience: Priscilla's drive for results can make her impatient at times, leading her to rush through tasks or overlook important details.
  • Hot-tempered: Priscilla's fiery personality can result in moments of anger or frustration, especially when she witnesses injustice or betrayal.
  • Trust issues: Due to her family's history and the enemies she has made, Priscilla finds it difficult to trust new people. She often keeps her guard up until she feels comfortable

Personality Quirks

  • Competitive nature: Priscilla has a competitive streak and enjoys friendly competitions or challenges with her friends. She sees it as a way to push each other to greater heights.
  • High energy: Priscilla exudes a contagious energy that infects those around her. She is always on the move and rarely seen sitting still for long.
  • Optimistic catchphrases: Priscilla has a habit of using optimistic catchphrases, such as "Bring it!" or "No Pressure!" to motivate herself and others in difficult situations.
  • Fist pump: When Priscilla achieves a significant victory or completes a challenging task, she tends to celebrate with a triumphant fist pump, showcasing her excitement and sense of accomplishment.


Social Aptitude

Priscilla is a natural extrovert and possesses excellent social aptitude. Her friendly and approachable demeanor makes it easy for her to connect with people from all walks of life. Priscilla enjoys engaging in conversations, forging new friendships, and creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere wherever she goes. Her charisma and ability to inspire others make her a natural leader within her team.


Tara Langston


Towards Priscilla Langston


Priscilla Langston


Towards Tara Langston


Date of Birth
July 7
Year of Birth
2105 NA 20 Years old
Chamberfield, Caelania
Emerald Green
195 lbs
Aligned Organization

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