WORLD AXIS in Aikoris | World Anvil
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Cosmology Model

Forgotten Realms
The World Axis was a cosmological model created after the dramatic changes to the nature of the multiverse caused by the SPELLPLAGUE and quickly became the most widely accepted model during the later years. This structure, which resembled a sphere split into two axes—hence the name—resulted from the SPELLPLAGUE and its effects upon the local multiverse, which included the untethering of the astral dominions and the creation (or possible return) of the ELEMENTAL CHAOS. As a result of the changes wrought by the disaster, the formerly prominent WORLD TREE was abandoned in favor of the World Axis, which most scholars believed more accurately reflected the current structure of the multiverse.   After the later years, some sages began to use again the older WORLD TREE and @GREAT WHEEL models, however the World Axis remained as one of the most popular cosmological models used by scholars who studied the nature of the multiverse.   Basic Structure: The World Axis was composed primarily of the fundamental and parallel planes. "Above" and "below," the fundamental planes encircled the rest of the cosmology, forming hemispheres in the conceptual model, though since both the ASTRAL SEA and the ELEMENTAL CHAOS were infinite in size, this was mostly metaphorical. To the "left" and the "right" of the PRIME MATERIAL PLANE, which laid at the center of this cosmology, sit the parallel planes, which floated in sync with the Prime. Together these planes formed the World Axis, other planes lying outside of the model and having an indistinct cosmological placement.

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