Perkas Locklier Character in Aietherhall | World Anvil
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Perkas Locklier

Perkas Locklier

Halfling Race
Wizard (Divination) 7 Class & Level
LE Alignment

Strength 10
Dexterity 13
constitution 16
intelligence 18
wisdom 14
charisma 11
Total Hit Dice 6
Hit Die
+3 proficiency bonus
+0 Strength
+1 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+7 Intelligence
+5 Wisdom
+0 Charisma
saving throws
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Animal Handling
+7 Arcana
+0 Athletics
+0 Deception
+7 History
+2 Insight
+0 Intimidation
+4 Investigation
+2 Martial
+2 Medicine
+4 Nature
+2 Perception
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+4 Religion
+1 Sleight of Hands
+1 Stealth
+2 Survival


Attunement Slots
Armor Class
Hit Points
Quarterstaff 1d20+0 1d6 , 1d8 Versatile
Ranged spell attack 1d20+7
Armor: none
Weapons: daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Arcana, History
Languages(+4): Common, Halfling, Dwarvish, Elven, Undercommon, Draconic
DC: 15
Chill Touch
Mage Hand
Toll the Dead

Spells Known

1st Level:
Comprehend Languages
Detect Magic (R)
Feather Fall
Identify (R)
Ice Knife
Magic Missile

2nd Level:
Hold Person
Locate Object
Mind Spike
Misty Step

3rd Level:
Dispel Magic
Remove Curse
4th Level:
Storm Sphere

Spells Prepared

1st Level:
Ice Knife
Magic Missile

2nd Level:
Hold Person
Mind Spike
Misty Step

3rd Level:
Dispel Magic

4th Level:
Storm Sphere

belt pouch with 103 gold
arcane focus
explorer's pack
component pouch
Pearl for Identify
Calligrapher's Supplies
two sets of clothes

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Luck of the Halfling
Orb - Spell Focus - Very Rare - Attunement: Halfling

This faintly blue orb appears to be simple in nature to those that aren’t of the Halfling nature, but to us stout individuals within everything can be by looking through the orb if only the individual as the strength.

Luck Divined. Sometimes we need to make our own luck as best as we can rather than simply accept what has been given to us. When rolling your portent dice after a long rest you may apply your Bountiful Luck to any of the dice that you roll.
Draining Luck. Pulling from those that are full of luck is one of the many ways that this orb continues to be passed down from generation to generation. If you use a portent die against an enemy you can take the difference of from what their roll would be and add or subtract it from another portent die you have.
Burning Luck. Luck is a resource that can be used in many ways, but if remaining unused then it is wasted potential. While taking a short rest you may convert either a lucky die or potent die to a spell slot. You may only do this twice per long rest, restoring all uses on a long rest.

Stat Array
Divination Wizard


Bountiful Luck XGE p73
Prerequisites: Halfling
Your people have extraordinary luck, which you have learned to mystically lend to your companions when you see them falter. You're not sure how you do it; you just wish it, and it happens. Surely a sign of fortune's favor!
When an ally you can see within 30 feet of you rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to let the ally reroll the die. The ally must use the new roll.

When you use this ability, you can't use your Lucky racial trait before the end of your next turn.

Lucky PHBp167
You have inexplicable luck that seems to kick in at just the right moment.
You have 3 luck points. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can spend one luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend one of your luck points after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.

You can also spend one luck point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a d20, and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker's roll or yours. If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out; no additional dice are rolled.

You regain your expended luck points when you finish a long rest.


Halfling (Stout) PHB p28
Ability Scores: Dex +2; Con +1
Size: Small
Speed: 25 ft.
Age. A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of his or her second century.
Alignment. Most halflings are lawful good. As a rule, they are good-hearted and kind, hate to see others in pain, and have no tolerance for oppression. They are also very orderly and traditional, leaning heavily on the support of their community and the comfort of their old ways.
Size. Halflings average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Halfling. The Halfling language isn't secret, but halflings are loath to share it with others. They write very little, so they don't have a rich body of literature. Their oral tradition, however, is very strong. Almost all halflings speak Common to converse with the people in whose lands they dwell or through which they are traveling.
Stout Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.

Class/Racial Features & Traits

Stout, Cunning, Unforgiving

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