Temple Glade Building / Landmark in Ahciliz | World Anvil
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Temple Glade

Leanhaun's Sanctuary

Formed by a ring of trees whose branches bend toward one another, this natural glade becomes bordered by archways of branches. The trees form a beautiful green canopy that bend inwards, covering most of the glade. In the very center, there is a gap between the branches and leaves to allow rain and sunlight to pass through.  
Resting within the grass and moss in the center of the glade is a small spring, bordered with simple stones. This spring refills when it rains, and glistens magically when the sun or moonlight hits it. The glade is ideal for scrying on distant planes.  
Small white flowers grow all around the roots of the trees, climbing slightly up the trunks on simple green vines. The flowers emit a very subtle sweet scent on their own, but their abundance in the glade fills the area with their scent.

Purpose / Function

Provides a place of peace. Leanhaun scrys using the pond here and opens portals in the archways for adventurers.


Leanhaun spends the majority of her time here.

Special Properties

The glade features a natural pond of glistening blue water.


The entire glade grows naturally and seems to form structures as Leanhaun needs them.
Natural Wonder
Parent Location

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