Luana Rei Character in Ahciliz | World Anvil
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Luana Rei

Female Tabaxi (NPC)

9 6 6 12 7 6

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Luana Rei has fur coloring similar to a calico cat. She has a pale beige ring around her left eye, while the other side of her face has a swatch of dark brown covering it. She has a very slim frame and a long beige tail with thin fur, tipped with brown fur. Her claws are always quite sharp, and she keeps them that way to help with fine detail carvings.

Physical quirks

Luana moves more fluidly than most Tabaxi, thanks to her upbringing with fey creatures.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ever since she was a kitten, Luana Rei knew the woods better than any other setting. She grew up there, after all. Having never known her family, Luana was saved from drowning in a horrendous summer rain by a peculiar grouping of fey who admired the softness of her fur. Growing up surrounded by fey creatures gave Luana a strange, natural ability to weave small magical feats, a talent that was discovered by a traveling gnome who happened upon her an her small family of fey. Adopting the whole lot, the old gnome encouraged her ability and eventually supported her effort to join the war, at least on the sidelines, by providing aid to those who were injured on the battlefield.  
Luana is skilled with natural materials and is able to craft potions, salves, and small magical trinkets.


Works as a Conjurer at the Talisman magic shop in Haven Village.

Mental Trauma

Survivor of the fall of Faerun.

Personality Characteristics


Luana just likes to tinker with things. She will create items that are useful to others, but is mostly interested in fiddling creatively and working outside the normal parameters to create something unique.

Virtues & Personality perks

Luana is quite innocent and does not judge people harshly, having never learned societal expectations properly.

Personality Quirks

Luana's ears twitch when she's working or concentrating on something.


Contacts & Relations

Spends a lot of her time with Luyu Savine because he understands the forest, and provides him a place to stay in her shop.

Family Ties

Luana lost her fey family when she was teleported out of Faerun.


Always hyper, Luana has difficulty even sitting still for a conversation. She prefers to emphasize her speech with movement and gestures, which she also uses to aid her when there are communication issues.


Speaks broken common, but always tries to elaborate to explain herself. Luana uses simple words and answers repetitively, like "yes yes", "no no", and "wait wait", etc.
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
1481 19 Years old
Current Residence
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan
Ruled Locations

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