Agrevar Before Culmination Timeline
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Before Culmination

The time in-between The Rise of An'Du'Ari and the Culmination the Three.

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    1 /1 01:00

    The Rise of An'Du"Ari

    In Ages past a being came to be that created the Universal Forge and built the Prime Material Plane.  The exact dates of this are irrelevant and hard to determine due to civilizations not existing yet and Agrevar only has knowledge of these events from the knowledge passed on by Ari.

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    The One Becomes Three

    As part of the creation of Agrevar and the fairer races of the land the One split himself into three distinct beings.  Each governing their respective aspects.  At this time the Angels of the Three were likewise created.

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    3 /3 03:00

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    Shaping of Agrevar

    The Three and their Angels set out to ensure life survive and thrive in the newly shaped planet. They formed the Moon to calm the maelstrom of currents that was the surface of the Sea. Rose a massive continent from the ground and filled it with their creations.

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    Age of the Living Gods
    Era beginning/end

    After the Shaping of Agrevar the God's lived alongside their creations. Guiding them, teaching them, and protecting them from threats as they grew to maturity. They formed some of the greatest civilizations to ever exist in Agrevar and thanks to Ari (who had secret workshops built all across the land where only his chosen were allowed to study alongside him in which he placed a servantile sentient archive capable of sharing what had been discovered by it's respective owners) many advancements in magic and technology were made during this time.

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    The Realmwar
    Military action

    The God's led their creations against the Demonic and Devilish Hordes led by Kar'vagore.  The two clashed again and again for many decades until the Culmination of the Three.

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    The Hellfall
    Military action

    The Hellfall is when Kar'vagore and his demonic hordes first arrived in Agrevar from the Nine Hells. At this time the Demon King was simply another servant of Asmodeus until gaining enough traction, followers, and power in Agrevar to craft his own Demiplane separate from the Nine-Hells where he operated independently proclaiming himself "The Demon King".

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    The Culmination of the Three

    After the God's realized they were losing the Realmwar, The Three split the continent into three distinct continents and formed great spires which they fused to after Du cast Kar'vagore through his portal. The Spires become known as Palace's and created a barrier between this plane and the other planes making extra-planar travel for all entities extremely difficult. Likewise, the Red Palace resting on the central continent newly formed from the Culmination created a storm around the central continent one so powerful and eternal that none could dare cross it's boundaries. Sealing Kar'vagore's servants and the remnants of his portal within the Continent.  

    All Dates after this event became known as Post Culmination