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Thieves Guild Master

Guilds have specific goals for economic stability within the guild, social and moral conduct of guild members, and the guidance of the careers of specific political figures that are best suited to abolish, or craft, laws favorable to the goals of the guild. It is the responsibility of the guild master to maintain the delicate network of information that keeps those goals in balance and on a path that will assure the security and longevity of the guild.   One of the main duties of the guild master is to either attend political and social events or, should they be too well known and thus unable to attend, to assign someone that can act in their stead to attend functions where information might be gathered and opinions swayed in ways that would further the goals and standing of the guild and those that provide support or protection for it.


The guild master is expected to enforce the code of conduct and oversee any disputes that might arise between members of the guild.   They make the laws that are to be adhered to, including the code of conduct for their guild and rules regarding everything from how new members are initiated to how members rise in power within the guild and what power each rank within the guild is granted.   To determine what, if any, words or phrases might be used by members of the guild to convey information to one another when such information must not be understood by persons outside of the guild.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A guild master is most often removed by being killed by someone either within his own guild, or by someone that has somehow got close enough to kill them.
"They were children of the necessity which compelled the weak to unite for mutual defence in order to remedy the disorders and abuses of which they were the victims."   GUILDS IN THE MIDDLE AGES ORIGIN AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION by Georges Renard -1918
Form of Address
Guild Master, Master, or any title which the guild master might choose as a way to disguise their role as a master of a thieves guild.
Source of Authority
The Guild Master usually attains their rank through the assassination of the former guild master and those loyal to them. It is also possible for a person to be elected to the role should enough members of the guild support them as the master of the guild
Length of Term
Until they vacate the role, willingly or by being forced out, or they are killed.
Related Organizations

Reference Books:


The Rogue's Lexicon

by George W. Mastell (1859)  

Guilds of the Middle Ages

by Renard, Georges François (1847-1930)

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