The Arena Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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The Arena

The Arena is the largest outdoor gathering place in Kratas outside of Temple Square. Originally an open-air market and corral, larger stone grandstands were erected and the area was encircled with high walls and gates, soon covered with battlements and other defenses.   After the Scourge, the arena fell into disrepair, with nearly half of hte seats crumbled and all of the luxuries installed by the Therans looted. It is mostly abandoned, and some claim the spirits of those executed here haunt the ruins at night.   The chambers beneath the arena, once used to hold animals or prisoners, connect to the Undercity , and are said to be filled iwth all manner of foul creatures.   After the takeover of the neighborhood by Garlthik One-Eye , meetings and revels of the Force of the Eye were often held here. Such occasions are rare, though it is still used for training and initiation purposes. A couple of years ago, Garlthik was approached by a Troubadour Named Telewerian who convinced the ork to allow him to reopen the arena, with the promise of a large portion of the take. This has met with minimal success so far as there is a lack of local troupes with resources or talent to perform, and most Kratan s prefer the more intimate setting of minstril in a tavern. As a result, Telewerian has begun to hold gladiatorial fights, which have proven popular enough to be held two ro three times per month. Though this mildly displeases Garlthik, the ork is unsure why and sends a contingent of guards to check every fight to ensure those in attendance are allowed to be in Hilltop and that all fighters are doing so of their own free will. For his part, Telewerian complains that he is losing audience and fighters to the Hole, owned by The Bloody Fist .   Fighters can fight for a potential prize of 50 silver pieces, though more famous fighters can get paid more because of the potential for a larger audience. Fighters can also lay side bets on their matches. Matches are supposed to be fought to first blood, but death in such matches are not unknown. To Telewerian's dismay, this has increased the popularity of the matches. Telewerian considers himself an artist, and hates the Arena being used for blood sports.

Purpose / Function

The Arena has served many purposes. It was originally an open-air market. Then it was a place for racing with horses and other beasts. The dwarven sport called hochavari was played here. With the arrival of the Therans, performances became more brutal. Plays and concerts become more lavish and complex. Additionally, sporting goods of all sorts such as wrestling boxing and archery became common. The Therans introduced bloodsports, gladiatorial combat and public executions.
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