Raggok (Mad Passion) Character in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Raggok (Mad Passion)

Once known as Rashomon, the Passion of Leadership, Endurance, Tolerance and Perseverance, today Raggok is considered by most to be the most terrible of the Mad Passions. Today, Raggok embodies all that is corruption. He causes the dead to walk, sows baseless hatred betwene those who once loved each other and tortures the insane with disembodied voices. It is said he has made pacts with various Horrors, aiding them in their evil and receiving their assistance in kind. He loves to inflict pain and strives to satisfy his perversions.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Skeletons, the undead, swords, wounds, insects, snow and ice

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Raggok appears most commonly as a large man with the head of a ram. Wounds constantly appear, heal and reappear on his bloody flesh.
Divine Classification
Vengeance, Bitterness, Jealosy

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