Legion of Despair Organization in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Legion of Despair

One of the largest mercenary bands in Kratas , the Legion of Despair can field from 300 to 1000 fighters. Unlike many of the mercenary groups, however, the members of the Legion are a ragtag bunch, and often embody the worst qualities of mercenaries. They are loyal only to money and easily switch sides when given a better offer. They are also prone to looting and desertion.   The founder, Crentan , has taken over the old Theran cavalry garrison, located near the eastern gate. The garrison is in disrepair, with holes in the walls and pieces of the collapsed dome littering the courtyard.   A few of the Legion members live at the garrison but most squat in abandoned buildings nearby or live out of inns and flophouses.   Initially the name of the group was meant to strike despair into the hearts of its enemies, but it has come to describe the level of desperation required to join.
Military, Mercenary Group

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