Into the Pit of Flesh Plot in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Into the Pit of Flesh

The heroes must destroy The Flesh Pit ...or at least save the slaves that are there now.

Plot points/Scenes

Find a way into the Undercity, lead by a thief named Burdok via a door in the basement of a broken down building in The Scrabbles   Burdok is leading the group to an ambush where a gang of thugs is going to attack them.   After escaping or defeating the thieves, the party is on their own to find the Flesh Pit but should eventually do so.   There they'l have to face members of Brocher's Brood , lead by Kroptark the Immense   Possible encounters: Messenger Bats (1) Bog Gobs (2) Crocodile (3) Lizard, Plague (3rd) Rat, Leech (1st)   Dread Iota (5) Scurrier (3)  
The dwarf leads the PCs to the village of Berkshire heading there to take care of some kind of business. The business is...a pack of ghouls has infested the slaughterhouse and are eating up all the "stock." The ghouls are lead by a ghoul leader, of course. The town guard keeps anyone (except the dwarven merchant, Tobias Ironeart , and the town guard captain, Normus Stoutbeard ).

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