Garlen Character in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Garlen is the patron of hearth and home and was called on by all the kaers and citadels to protect them during the Scourge. She remains one of the most widely revered Passions in Barsaive.   She is the Mother Who Cares For All and considers all Namegivers her children. Healers and physicians often have her as their patron Passion, and she watches over those who shun adventuring for the comfort of safety and home. She is particualrly fond of children and families, but has been known to aid and inspire those who would defend common people.

Divine Domains

Hearth, Healing

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Homes, children, kaers, enclosed spaces, water

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Garlen usually manifests as a voluptuous woman, arms spread wide in a gesture of acceptance. She occasionally appears as a kindly, comfortable-looking man.
Divine Classification

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