Dinganni Plains Geographic Location in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Dinganni Plains

These plains, south of Kratas are known for their lack of landmarks. The plains are vast and utterly uniform. It is the home of the Dinganni people, who are often hired as guides, escorts and smugglers. These Human s are taller tham ost and roam in bands of around 75 to 200. Dinganni tend to be peaceful, save for squabbles with ork scorcher bands. Despite their generosity and general friendly nature, al Dinganni, even children, are armed at all times. Theft is outlawed in Dinganni society.   Before the Scourge, the plains were dotted with small farming villages every few miles. Now, most of these villages' kaers failed and others were absorbed into larger cities. NOw a village might be found only about once every 30 or so miles. These villages are simple places, with muc brick huts, wooden palisades and grazing and farming areas surrounding them.

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