Creating a Group True Pattern Spell in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Creating a Group True Pattern

A Group True Pattern allows a group of people to form a Pattern for their group. There are several steps...  
  • The group chooses a Name for itself which represents the group's past, present and future.
  • The group's members create a symbol which represents the group and its history.
  • Each member of the group creates an item representing the group and that character's role in it. This item becomes a Minor Pattern Item for the group.
  • One member of the group performs the Naming Ritual.[/li[
  • All members of the group swear a Oath of Blood Peace, taking 2 points of Blood Magic damage


Once the pattern is created, the Thread Weaving Talent can be used to attach threads for actions when performing the group's goals.
Related Discipline
Blood Magic
Effect Duration
Year and a day

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