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Agartha is a world born from more than ten years of intertwining RPG campaigns and storytelling. It is a world built on a closely guarded secret, that it was never intended for mortal life. At the dawn of creation Agartha was created by the three original ancient Demons as mockery and scorn to the Gods who created life elsewhere. The Gods did not take kindly to their interference in the material plane and waged catastrophic war, binding and casting out these Demonic powers and reclaiming Agartha to reshape it in their own image.   Although documented here The First Age has passed by, culminating in countless Demons being unleashed upon the world they sought to reclaim, destroying nearly all that was arrayed before them.   Generation upon generation of war has reshaped Agartha with only the tenets of Faith, Magic and Martial Prowess allowing any of the Free People's to survive the endless night.   Only the return of an ancient legend turned the tide and brought an end to the war, inspiring hope and the opportunity of a world without conflict.   Yet as society rebuilds from the ashes the ripples of history continue to influence all for the better.... Or worse.