Republic of Crelia Organization in Aeyvis | World Anvil
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Republic of Crelia

A smaller city-state to the north of Alcoeur, the Republic of Crelia ekes out a rough urban existence. There's little room for agriculture, and the area is far enough north that the land is suitable for little more than subsistence farming. Regardless, they've attracted people from far and wide with their promise of a better, free nation run by the people and unbeholden to any monarchy. It's majority humans, but there's a healthy mix of most races.   Instead, the city is run by the vague semblance of a democracy, utilizing a stripped-down system of representatives and councils that's good enough to fool their embassies as needed. There are no official royal bloodlines - most of the "noble" houses stem from people who simply had enough money to buy their way to the top through "donations" and "funding".   Several traders in the area have taken advantage of the newfound contact with the Bolgrund states to start trading weaponry and other ore-based imports, giving its political capital, Sehlen, a distinctly industrial look -- which seems strange combined with the relatively simple villages surrounding it. Most of their cities are walled up to some extent, with the entrances constantly guarded. The various villages around have yet to gain the same protection, though most know enough to set up basic militias just in case.   Most people don't care much for religion (aside from the occasional prayer for luck or good harvest or similar), but the high council has taken note of Froedal's holy knights and makes an effort to seek out those with divine potential - bringing them to Varsing and training them "for the good of the nation".   Arcane magic is common in the cities, and is easily available to anyone who's willing - whether that be through one of the established colleges or simply "hand-me-down" lessons.


The Council

The future is forged, not sought

Geopolitical, City-state
Controlled Territories

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