Dark Towers of the Devourer's Nebula Technology / Science in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Dark Towers of the Devourer's Nebula

DARK TOWERS ICE-MAKING TOWERS A few thousand years ago (before modern times) the DDD changed the way it was harvesting planets. Towers or Dark Towers are devices used by the extradimensional Shadows to harvest planets for the Devourer to consume. Dark Towers made of Dark Dust Ore, tech, and magic. They cover the planets with "toxic time ice", giant ice sheets that amplify corrupted time energy and concentrate it on a planets surface to "age" a planet to death. Eventually the forced again causes the planet to tear itself apart and the Devourer's nebulae just moves through the debris field. It is much easier and less resource demanding than harvesting a world directly into the nebulae but leaves no future resources, therefore requiring the Nebulae to travel further and further or return to worlds that it had harvest using the surface scraping method of ‘vacuuming’ off the top 10-30 meters of surface land and water.
From Ancient Ice Age
Davin handed her his tablet; the time energy particles were almost to toxic levels. “They are increasing exponentially. Soon, even we won’t be able to be on the ice,” Davin explained to all of them. “If you start feeling weird at all, tell someone, don’t suck it up,” and he looked pointedly at Ezra. “K’eth, your people have dealt with this. Can you tell us what to watch for?” K’eth nodded and replied in his gravelly voice, “Tiredness, headache, shaking and twitching, getting moody or angry for no reason, hallucinations, seizures, coma, and death.” “Oh great!” Ezra snarked in a frustrated tone. “You just described the side effects of every medication ever made.” They only stopped to refuel, add oil, or eat for the next twenty hours. The dawn was painted pink on the horizon when they stopped to take readings; everyone was feeling the effects of the time sickness. Daisy fell when she got off from behind Davin, she could see the concern in his brown eyes through his snow goggles. “I’m okay,” she hollered over the wind, as she pointed at her lightning burned leg, “It got stiff.” “How do you feel?” Davin yelled back. “Like I have every day of my life, crazy like Daisy!” Daisy shouted and gave him a thumbs up. Ezra and K’eth stumbled over from their snow machines. They looked as exhausted as Davin felt. Ezra pointed at his head and made a wringing motion. K’eth was rubbing his scars beneath his coat, like they itched. They had to do this and get away from the ice. Davin feared he was going to watch his friends go insane and die. He thought he feels okay, except that he kept smelling oranges and chocolate like the way Milady smelled. He pushed away the memory. Cierra and their baby were waiting for him at home. He focuses on them, and not on the fact he had never been this cold in his life. Daisy had her forehead against K’eth’s, Davin couldn’t hear what she was saying, but the giant guardian was nodding so it must be helpful. Seven hours later, they were standing on the edge of a large grey ice crater, in the center was an alien tower. It was like nothing any of them have ever seen. Everything here seemed wrong, like an abomination, from the feel of the air to the weird grey snow. Davin didn’t know how Daisy knew it was a tower and he decided he didn’t care. He just wanted to destroy it and leave. His head hurt and he was so cold. There was no wind and no sound, except their boots crunching on the snow. The air was so frigid, it hurt to breath. Daisy examined the tower through her scope. She signed, no guards. Ezra signed back, trap? She shrugged, holding her hands up in an ‘I don’t know’ expression. K’eth was rubbing his scars again. He stood and staggered straight toward the tower. When he reached the door, he turned and waved for them to come. No one confronted them. ‘Inside is colder than outside,’ Davin decided. No one was there, only mummified bodies, at least one of the Atlantian search groups had found this place and died here. K’eth frowned as he gathered the crest they wore to take back to their families. Ezra helped him move them along one wall was as Daisy and Davin began accessing the controls. It was a horrifying combination of tech and magic. Ezra and K’eth then took the charges and look at the diagrams Daisy showed them. Daisy stopped to take off her coat, then continued working. “What are you doing?” Davin demanded, “It’s freezing in here.” She looked at him oddly, “Davin, you’re shaking.” “Yeah, I’m freaking freezing. You should be too, you’re sick Daisy.” She shook her head in denial. “But it isn’t cold in here,” she responded, then Ezra walked in without his coat. “Dude, aren’t you frying?” Ezra asked. “He’s sick, Ezra,” Daisy revealed, then inquired, “How are you?” Ezra hesitated, Davin insisted, “Ezra, tell us.” “My brain is trying to crawl out my ears, and I feel like I am floating in the sea, like the day the ferry capsized, and I keep hearing Damien laughing like he is about to come in and torture me. I have PTSD from the wrong future, but I can manage.” K’eth walked in, visibly shaking, “Oracle, the energy stone relays have all been removed except to the generator, and all the enchantments to generate the ice broken.” Ezra looked at her, “How come you’re okay?” Daisy held up her hands in a helpless gesture. “I’m not. But I have always been crazy, remember? Go now, please. Take them. I’ll catch up.” She didn’t want to tell them that K’eth’s and Davin’s suffering was distressing her to the point her math was failing. She just wanted to be away from this place which felt so evil, it hurt. She could feel the oracle stone’s power pushing against the energy of this place like it was trying to protect her. She hurried to finish, then ran across the bowl to catch up. It still took half an hour to get back out of the icy gray snow crater. The sun was almost setting as they raced away from the tower. An hour later there was a brilliant flash of light followed by a thundering sound. They stopped to watch for a few minutes, then turned back south. They must get off the ice or die.  
    From Aetheria Arises
When they discover the towers are no longer unmanned, automated ice-makers.
Lessa showed up with the new scans of the two ice-making towers Daisy had found in a system almost three years away. Both towers were making ice at the same time on the same planet. More troubling was the towers were in a section of space that had shown up as clear before. Daisy had ordered all areas re-scanned with her new system. It was far more sensitive at detecting the dark energy. Kaleth and Asha resisted the idea of Daisy going, but Shadz promised Asha he would keep her mother safe. Together the Hunter and the Seeker traveled to destroy the towers. Daisy modified and adjusted the FTLs with Lara and the trip lasted just over two years to the Dauntless System. There were only 3 habitable worlds remaining around an orange star. Four rocky inner planets had been stripped to their bedrock cores, then an asteroid field of planetary debris, a large planet, and three gas giants. The two moon-sized worlds circled a giant gas planet, the soil and rock on those worlds was only a dozen blocks deep in most places. It was like the surface of the planetoids had been peeled away. Furthest out, on the edge of the system was a debris field from another planet that had been completely destroyed. The twin towers were on the large world. From the topography, it was obvious the world, called Dauntless 6 and her four sisters had been harvested before, having the top 100 to 1000 blocks removed. In the twenty-six months since they were found the two towers had covered thousands of square blocks with ice. The night before they prepared for the destruction of the towers, Daisy awoke screaming in Kaleth’s arms. Her nightmares of Elysias 4 had subsided, but seeing the towers again shook her. As she wept, he wondered if she would ever be as strong as she was before. The next morning, she seemed better, insistent on going with the landing teams to the two towers. The first tower was quickly dispatched and set to detonate in twelve hours, then they moved on to the other tower. But the Darkness had left protectors for the second tower. The Oracle was standing next to Shadz on final approach when she noticed something moving under the ice. She ordered everyone armed and armored as they left the landing crafts. Undead humanoid creatures rose from the ice to attack the tower crew, this time they were going to have to fight their way into the tower to destroy it. The Guardian took point with Shadz as the Oracle Daisy read the enemies’ movements calmly over the comms. Then they had to clear the tower, one level at a time. When it was finally safe, Kaleth allowed Daisy and Lara to enter. It had taken twice as long as any previous tower, and the Guardian was glad to have his senior guardsman with him to protect the Oracle. It had taken several hours to kill the alien insect Necrorriors, all of which had been infused with Dark energy dust to make them stronger. Lara and the Oracle were standing at the control panel, running the last set of algorithms to overload the tower’s power supply when there was a sound and a gust of cold air. Suddenly, Shadz was pushing them both down as volley of the new dark ore arrows flew past them. One grazed Daisy’s arm catching in her coat sleeve. She pulled it out to look at it, the tip was made out of the same metal she had once used to make sniper rounds to kill Lord Damien Neimad, Karstien’s evil brother. “Omigawd, no!” she gasped. Then she turned and pulled the arrow out of Shadz armor, examining it while they had cover. “Kaleth, we’re ambushed. Do not let the arrows remain in anyone’s wounds or armor. They are made out of an ore that will forever kill us.” “What?” Shadz looked horrified, “Are you sure Oracle?” “Yes, because I have studied this ore before.... Kaleth, do you hear me?” She broke off the point and put it in her pocket. There was no sound over the comms except static. Daisy pulled her tablet and scanned, there was a buffering signal interfering with their communication. She couldn’t override it. So, she closed her eyes and reached for him. He had two arrows in his armor, one was actually piercing his shoulder. ‘Kaleth, pull those arrows and fall back. The arrows are tipped with a toxic metal.’ She shouted in his mind. ‘Daisy, stay inside where it is safe,’ he ordered her. ‘We are ambushed too, and we can’t get out,’ she answered, ’What do you face?’ ‘Several dozen armored mobs began pouring out of a chamber on the tower’s outer wall.’ As he slashed and fought, she could feel the warrior magic helping him. ‘Get back to the ships. I am going to make a hole in the roof for us to climb out after pulsing the Necrorriors inside. Go! We have to pull back after we start the detonation sequence. Tell everyone to pull out those arrows.’ Inside, and other volley of a dozen arrow pounded into the wall above their crouched position. “What do we do, Oracle?” Lara asked afraid. She had some sword training but was barely proficient. “You stay here until we tell you to move, then send the overload command, and get back to cover. Shadz, I am going to pulse them, then we should have a few minutes. Hit them hard, but don’t get hit yourself… And we need to put a hole through that wall, or we are going to be trapped here. They face the same outside,” Daisy reported expressionlessly. “I’ll go right, Oracle. Just tell me when.” He responded calmly, calling the warrior magic his mentor had taught him. “Close your eyes, both of you.” ‘Kaleth, we’re about to move.’ The Oracle pushed her power into the stone, “In 3... 2... 1.” The flash was so bright, Shadz could see the bones in his hand, through his eyelids. He and Daisy came from behind the console at the same time. Striking the skeletal insectoid archers at the same time. Daisy used the energy of the Oracle Stone to damage them as much as she could. In moments, the Aetherians regained the room and blocked the door. “Lara, now.” Daisy ordered her, as she and Shadz set charges against the outer wall. “My lady, we don’t have any more detonators,” Shadz revealed in his detached way. “Then I’ll be the detonator,” Daisy responded just as calmly, holding up the sword of Adamos. It crackled with energy. Lara scrambled back behind the console; she was amazed at how calm they both were. Shadz crouched next to Lara, “Keep your head covered,” he ordered in a deep calm voice. Daisy combined the power of the Oracle stone and the ancient lightning sword together and the lightning struck the explosives, creating a deafening boom as the wall blew out. She dropped to her knees as Shadz shielded her with his body. “My lady, are you okay?” he asked as she trembled. “I... I... No, I am weak. My arm...” She barely got out before she blacked out. Shadz picked her up and thought she should not be here. Outside the hole, he could see Vole bringing in the Crane 002 with the hatch open. The Guardian and Lance stood on the ramp. Over 100 blocks below, the dark creatures gathered around the base of the tower. “Lara, you must jump to Lance. Go now.” “I can’t, I’m not a warrior, I can’t do this stuff,” she sounded panicked. “You must, I can’t carry both you and Lady Daisy. Trust yourself. I’ve seen you jump further than this at the summer parkour games. You can do this, Lara. Go!” Shadz encouraged her. Lance held out his arm and signaled for her to come. Lara ran and jumped through the hole, easily making the distance as Lance caught her. Shadz nodded to the Guardian and took four powerful steps launching himself across to the ship. The Guardian helped him into the ship. Once the hatch was closed, they scanned Daisy. She was weak and there was a piece of an arrow tip broken off in her arm. Kaleth cut it out and she began to recover. The thin sliver of strange metal was heavy and dark gray; it shocked him as he turned it in his hand. Shadz looked at it curiously, “I think the Dark ones want to kill us all,” he announced blandly. The Guardian only nodded but Lance coughed out a laugh. “Seriously, Stone Cold?” “Don’t laugh, Lance.” Lara poked at the metal. “Lady Daisy knew what it is. She said it would forever kill us.” “Really?” Lance looked shocked. The Guardian and Shadz wore identical scowls as the Guardian announced, “The enemy created those abominations and armed them with weapons specifically to kill Aetherians.” After the Oracle recovered, she and her tech team made several new discoveries about these towers; the most important was that the Darkness was advancing its tech for the first time in three millennia. The new Dark Towers made the toxic time ice faster than the old ones. They were using energy field manipulation to isolate the comm frequencies and dampen them, and there were bobby trap rooms filled with enhanced Necrorriors. She had also discovered the undead warriors were using arrows tipped in the strange dark dust ore, which acted much like a poison to the Aetherians. Everything was designed to stop them from destroying the towers. The Darkness wanted a war and the Aetherians would stand in defense against them. Every twenty years or so the Aetherian fleet was on the move to destroy another tower and rescue the world the tower appeared on. Jura had another tower appear but all the Aetherians working to rebuild the biomes could tell the Oracle is that an aurora borealis appeared on the horizon then the tower was standing adjacent to the tower the Guardian had disabled. The Darkness was becoming hungrier, and the Oracle could feel it.


They cover the planets with "toxic time ice", giant ice sheets that amplify corrupted time energy and concentrate it on a planets surface to "age" a planet to death. Eventually the forced again causes the planet to tear itself apart and the Devourer's nebulae just moves through the debris field. It is much easier and less resource demanding than harvesting a world directly into the nebulae but leaves no future resources, therefore requiring the Nebulae to travel further and further or return to worlds that it had harvest using the surface scraping method of ‘vacuuming’ off the top 10-30 meters of surface land and water.


unknown but the towers are made of Dark dust ore from the Dark Dust Dimension that is the prison of the Devourer entity
Dr. Daisy Cane discovered the energy signature in the past during the last great ice age and realized the ice and the time distortion were linked.

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