Motorheads Organization in Aether | World Anvil
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The Motorheads are part vehicular gang, part religious cult. They roam the southern Outskirts attacking settlements, supply lines, and travelers to gather resources and survive. They are also known to seek retribution against anyone that wrongs them.   As part of their religion, they perform a "ritual" to turn human bodies into materials suitable for constructing vehicles. This is most often used for Motorheads who pass away, but is also a means to "adopt" outsiders into their cult.   The leader of the Motorheads is referred to as "Lord," and is currently Cornelius "Sticks" Welling.


They do have some kind of formal structure, but not much is known to outsiders about how they organize themselves. What is known that they all follow the Lord.


Motorheads are well armed, and have an assortment of custom-built vehicles.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Followers of the Wheel
Leader Title
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Notable Members

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