Hopespring Settlement in Aether | World Anvil
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A relatively small settlement in the Outskirts named for the freshwater spring that serves as the town's water source, and one of the few sources of fresh water in the region.   The town has no formal militias, military, or security, though a sheriff does informally lead the town. Most people have armed themselves for protection, though very little trouble finds its way to Hopespring.   The economy relies on exporting its water to nearby settlements, as fresh water can be hard to come by in the Outskirts. If a denizen of the settlement isn't running some kind of business in town, it's likely they make a living by delivering water. It's not usually a dangerous job, but some delivery people have gone missing in the past, likely killed or enslaved by raiders. Deliveries have slowed down a great deal since the Motorheads have expanded into the region, making any kind of trade difficult.


No formal government. The sheriff is the de facto leader.


Everyone in Hopespring is armed; while there is no formal militia, everyone of age and in good health is prepared to fight to defend their home.

Industry & Trade

The town is sustained through exporting its water to the region. Most people work in either making deliveries or sustaining the industry surrounding it.


The freshwater spring the town is built around.


Most buildings are shanties made of scrap metal or clay.


The town is built into a canyon, surrounded on three sides by rock and a narrow trench providing an exit on the fourth side. The spring is on the north side of town.
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