Aestus Broddvallian History Timeline
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Broddvallian History

Imperial Era

0 BE 597 IE

The years as dictated by the beginning of the Empire as the world knows it.

  • 0 IE

    Founding of Empire

    Founding of the new Hirrynian Empire united with Penea by the Just King Hirryn. Happening after the events of the schism between Hirryn and his brother where he came out on top, splitting off from the corrupt ministers of Leathane and forging a new capitol in Highreign.

  • 20 IE

    20 IE

    Broddvallian Assimilation
    Diplomatic action

    The Broddvallian tribes agree to join the Hirrynnian Empire under Holy Emperor Hirryn.

    Additional timelines
  • 86 IE

    127 IE

    War of Thorns
    Military action

    Kaltosia declares war against Broddvallia. They, backed by Morgall, quickly and decisively strike a blow at Broddvallia, marking the first continental war the Empire has participated in. The Empire begins to slowly lose the war, finding it hard to keep up with the tactics of the Kaltosians. They eventually cede the war, granting the lands of Avanvald to the Kalls.

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  • 92 IE

    212 IE

    Annexation of Avanvald
    Political event

    Kaltosia annexes the northern region of Avanvald of Broddvallia.

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  • 468 IE

    480 IE

    5 /6

    Reign of the Undead Legion
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Undead Legion led by an evil necromancer brought terror throughout Broddvallia, splitting its people and causing plague and famine throughout the land. The fallout of this brought unease in the political system of Broddvallia and subsequently rebellion from the many clans.

  • 484 IE

    489 IE

    Great Southern War
    Military action

    Broddvallia declares war against Leathane after diplomatic negotiations don't go their way when Leathane refuses to help Broddvallia in recovering from the aftermath of the undead legion. The war goes Broddvallia's way until the Empire steps in, forcing it to end. Leathane ends up taking Kydervale, the jewel of Broddvallia as reparations to the war.

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  • 561 IE

    5 /2
    590 IE

    18 /6

    Broddvallian Civil War
    Military action

    The clans of Broddvallia go to war over the future of Broddvallia. Many of the clans rose to prominence during this time, most notably being that of House Sevrein which was deemed to be the new ruling clan of Broddvallia.

  • 590 IE

    18 /6

    Broddvallia Peace Treaty Established
    Diplomatic action

    All the clans come together to bring about peace once more in Broddvallia.