Ophidian Species in Aerune | World Anvil


Ophidians, merchants and mystics and peace-keepers of the wide world.   Ophidians are conceivably the most widespread race of all Aerune, outnumbering even humans. Though their physical appearance and innate tempers vary by subrace, overall Ophidians are engaged with the greater civilization of their homelands, working towards harmony, growth, and success for all.   Though Ophidians’ humanoid torsos are smaller than human torsos and even that of many elves, they are unquestionably intimidating to most humanoids due to their gleaming, scaled coils that can reach upwards of 20 feet in length. There is some variation in Ophidian appearances: some Ophidians have human-like skin from their solar plexus up, some Ophidians have small and soft scales covering their entire upper body, and some Ophidians have serpentine faces with no hair and no external ears.   Ophidians tend to be attuned to the flows of magic, making them seem preternaturally sensitive and intuitive to other races. Most Ophidians are secure in their race’s population and widespread territories, making them confident and not easily intimidated, but most will also not use that fact as leverage against others.  

Ophidian Traits

  Names. Ophidian names often vary by region and subrace, but they all have a lovely sibilance to them. Example names include Ulash, Mazle, Shran Grila, Khandha, Dazhu, Uraeli, Siriss, Azben, and Sanaa. Occasionally, Ophidians will rename themselves more literally, such as Autumneye, Goldcoil, Striker, and Fireking.   Ability Score Increase. Your CHA score increases by 1.   Age. Ophidians grow quickly and live a long time, reaching adulthood by 14 and living up to 200 years.   Alignment. Ophidians don’t do well with rules, so they tend towards chaotic or neutral alignments. Most Ophidians also tend towards neutrality instead of good or evil, but not all.   Size. Ophidians have small torsos - the size of a human pre-teen - but their serpent halves are enormously long, often up to 20 feet. An Ophidian can “stand” by lifting their torso anywhere from 4’ to 6’ or taller, though the comfortable height tends to be 5’. Your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your swimming speed is 30 feet.   Heat Sense. All Ophidians can sense living bodies (if not cold-blooded) and sources of heat within a 10 foot radius, regardless of level of light or physical objects blocking their view. Invisibility does not affect this ability, but a solid foot or more of metal, ice, or rock will block their heat sense.   Serpentine. You cannot wear any humanoid armor that protects the waist, legs, or feet.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sibilance.   Subraces. Three main subraces of Ophidians populate the world: rattlers, constrictors, and racers. A fourth subrace, cobras, live on the continent of Khemperet alone. Choose one of these subraces.  


  Rattler Ophidians come in a range of colors from pale copper-bronze to dark antique gold to black. Their scales are large and rough, often almost sharp to the touch, and their rattles are larger and louder with age. They are usually direct, straight-forward individuals and unafraid of conflict.   Ability Score Increase. Your DEX score increases by 1, and your INT score increases by 1.   Daunting. You have advantage on Intimidation checks when your tail’s rattling can be heard.   Poison Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage. You are immune against Ophidian venom, both your own and others’.   Natural Weapons. You are proficient in unarmed strikes using your teeth. Your bite deals 1d4 piercing damage. You can use either DEX or STR for this attack.   Venomous. Your fangs are envenomed, and Ophidians grow more potent as they age. A successful strike against any creature not immune to poison deals 1d6 poison damage unless the target succeeds on a CON saving throw against a DC of 12. At level 5, the DC increases to 15. At level 10, the DC increases to 17 and the damage increases to 1d8. At level 15, the DC increases to 20.  


  Constrictor Ophidians have a blocky pattern but diverse colors, including all shades of brown, gold, black and white. They are thick-bodied, retiring individuals who tend to be quiet and patient. Their scales are large but smooth, and their serpentine tails seem to heavily outweigh their humanoid torsos.   Ability Score Increase. Your STR score increases by 2.   Lithe. You have proficiency in Athletics checks.   Serpentine Strength. You have advantage on any STR checks or saves that involve holding onto an object or a creature with your body (tail, coils). This does not apply to things you are holding with your hands alone.   Coils. You can grapple any creature that is Large or smaller. For each turn that your target is grappled, they suffer 1d8 crushing damage. Creatures Medium or smaller have disadvantage on breaking your grapple.  


  Racer Ophidians have the most vivid colors of all Ophidians, coming in bright reds, oranges, yellows, white, black, and the more common earth tones of gold and brown. Their scales are smooth and small and reflective, and their bodies are very streamlined and sleek, making them fast and light. Racers are often aggressive or sneaky, and none of them appear to have a working sense of fear.   Ability Score Increase. Your DEX score increases by 2.   Speedy. Your base movement increases by +5 feet.   Immune to Poison. You are immune to poison and do not hesitate to eat poisoned objects… or poisonous and venomous creatures.   Ambusher. You are proficient in Stealth checks, and you have advantage on Stealth checks related to tracking, hunting, and ambushing targets (whether people or prey).