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Much the same as our own Universe but there is a great, infinite, energy that existed long before anything. It is in everything. The power is what everything comes from and will be and was.   Then came the Big Bang. Part of the energy split and gathered sentience. these masses of energy would become what we call Gods; All gods, old and new. After a long time the natural energies formed into the universe and stars and planets that we recognize. But there was no life. The energies that would become gods wanted more but only knew to create through belief, and so sought a being that would be a catalyst for their goal to become great and powerful and came together to form a belief that would become life. The first micro organisms. The first plants and animals. Over time these would evolve and grow into modern man and plant and beast. However through mutations, other beings exist. These are supernatural beings with an abidance for the magics and natural energies. Beings such as witches and faeries, basilisks, chimeras, phoenix, werewolves, ghosts, angels, demons.   The Game is set in 1539. The end of the Renaissance, and the beginning of the time of Discovery. You, the players are about to be brought into a secret society. The protectors of Mortals, known as the Order of ENTI.   read further into this for more back story on ENTI that ive written so far.

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