Zaragoza, The Snake Spirit Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Zaragoza, The Snake Spirit

The Cunning Conniver


One of the Six Founding spirits, created with the origin of the universe. He along with five other spirits created the world, and everything in it. He made the sandy deserts, and even some of the living creatures in the Forsaken Isles. Eventually, as a joined effort, he with the other five spirits created the human race, allowing them to live in this world. 10 years after the world's conception, the spirits decided they wanted to help the humans with their endeavors, and so he begrudgingly fused his soul with a human's, creating the first generation of Chosen. His first Chosen was a boy by the name of Sam of the Scales. He never did like the humans, and only made his Chosen to be equal with the rest. The only thing he ever did was teach these humans to be cunning and strong, teaching them about the reality of the world, "It's a dog eat dog world." in his own words. Other than that, he only helped when his Domain was in peril from attackers, allowing the humans to mostly figure everything out by themselves. After the Great Raid, he became a bit more involved with the humans, leading them to what he thought was right, making allies with the other Domains, so his Domain could profit off any future war efforts.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Any depiction of a snake curling around a dagger, commonly seen in metal carvings and drawings.

Tenets of Faith

You must outwit everyone to survive this world. Never allow yourself to be tricked or lied to, only allow yourself to do so.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Without much interest in the human realm, his true goal lays in the spirit realm, to one day rule like Torrin does.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

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