Siv, The Wolf Spirit Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Siv, The Wolf Spirit

The Warmonger


One of the Six Founding spirits, created with the origin of the universe. He along with five other spirits created the world, and everything in it. He created all the predators of Aerith, and even helped Zaragoza create some of the Forsaken Isles creatures. Eventually, as a joined effort, he with the other five spirits created the human race, allowing them to live in this world. 10 years after the world's conception, the spirits decided they wanted to help the humans with their endeavors, and so he fused his soul with a human's, creating the first generation of Chosen. His first Chosen was a newborn boy by the name of Ivarr of the Den. Rather involved with the humans, acting as a ruler essentially, he did what he could with the land he was given, even if it was really almost inhospitable due to the cold and infertile grounds. He quickly had to teach the humans the art of sailing, often taking trips to other domains in search for food and any supplies they could get. After the years went on, he got more and more bitter, his people now used to the life of taking really long trips just to go somewhere where they could gather resources. He couldn't take it anymore, and in the year 504 he led a Great Raid against Torrin, the Spirit that split the lands between the six founders. He won overwhelmingly, taking a fair bit of plunder, and even some new technology his people learned from. Near the present day, he met a very strong warrior by the name of Lysander of the Scales, hailing from Zagaroza's Domain. She soon proved her worth, easily beating any warrior he used to test her might. Her cunning intellect, her merciless nature, and her raw fighting strength made her an invaluable asset in his plan to take what he was owed.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The most common is a metal wolf head on any of your weapons, shields or armor, as well a medallion optionally.

Tenets of Faith

Only the strong survive. The weak must die to ensure that only strong remain.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Wiping out any weak links in the human race, along with control over the spirit realm.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

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