Kyrrha, The Rabbit Spirit Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Kyrrha, The Rabbit Spirit

The Great Trader


One of the few lesser spirits that have made Aerith their home. While her origins are mostly unknown, at some point she began getting her own following of travelers and nomads, looking to make the sea their home, and the life of a sailor their own. Eventually, she gathered enough power and influence, especially with the help of Torrin, who gave her enough power to bless her first gifted. More and more people began to bear her gift in some way or another, but every single one was drawn to the nomadic life. She ended up creating the most successful and influential merchant's guild in the whole world. At this point, every single store worth visiting has some sort of imported wares bearing the rabbit's mark, which essentially just consists of a simple drawing of a rabbit head.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A drawing of a rabbit, with waves beside it, much like this image:

Tenets of Faith

Tying yourself down in life is a waste of such a gift. You must explore new places, try new things, and never let life become repetitive. Only then shall you be happy.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Bringing the joy of wonder to every person in Aerith, the happiness and curiosity that only comes from the unknown.
Divine Classification
Lesser Spirit

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