The Ziggurat of the Serpent Building / Landmark in Aerindor | World Anvil
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The Ziggurat of the Serpent

The Ziggurat of the Serpent is a pyramid temple that now stands in ruins, located in the northwestern region of Flourishia. This temple was dedicated to the worship of a giant serpent named Venox. The ancient people revered Venox as a deity, but in reality, it was a malevolent creature that demanded sacrifices and offerings from its followers in exchange for supposed blessings.   According to legend, Venox lies in slumber beneath the temple, awaiting the day when it can awaken and bring destruction to the surrounding lands. The people of Flourishia feared this day when the serpent would rise and wreak havoc on their homes and lives.   Despite the danger, some worshippers still believed in the power of Venox and made offerings at the temple. They prayed for its favor and protection, even as rumors of its evil deeds spread throughout the land.   The temple is thought to have been constructed around 3000 BC using stone and is approximately 75 feet tall.
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