Jamison Preistraeus Character in Aerindor | World Anvil
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Jamison Preistraeus (Jay-Meh-Sun Preest-Ray-Us)

Bard-King Jamison Preistraeus (a.k.a. Jamesy Boy)

Physical Description

Special abilities

Flight: Using his Magic Microphone and Amp, Jamison can create a powerful sound wave that propels him through the air, allowing him to fly short distances.   Soundwave Shield: Jamison can create a shield of sound waves that can deflect incoming attacks or protect himself and his allies from harm.   Sonic Healing: Jamison can use sound waves to heal injuries and ailments in himself and others. This ability can also be used to remove negative energy and emotions from those around him, promoting healing and relaxation.   Musical Empathy: Jamison has an innate sense of empathy for others, and can use this ability to create music that resonates with the emotions of those around him. This can be used to calm or inspire others, or to manipulate their emotions.   Sonic Illusion: Jamison can create auditory illusions that can deceive opponents or distract them from his true location. This ability can also be used to create phantom sounds that can disorient opponents.   Echolocation: Jamison can navigate his surroundings using sound waves. By making a clicking noise with his mouth or instrument, he can emit sound waves that bounce off objects and return to him, allowing him to sense their location and shape. This ability makes him an excellent navigator, even in complete darkness or when blinded.   Voice Mimicry: Jamison can imitate the voices of others with incredible accuracy. He can perfectly replicate the tone, pitch, and accent of anyone he has heard speak, and can even mimic non-human sounds like animal calls or machine noises. This ability is not just limited to human voices, but can also include sounds of different instruments or sound effects.   Voice throwing: Jamison can project his voice in different directions, often fooling his enemies or distracting them from his true location. By controlling his breathing and manipulating the shape of his vocal tract, he can make it seem like his voice is coming from a completely different location. This skill comes in handy in many different scenarios, from misleading enemies in battle to performing on stage and creating a more immersive experience for the audience.

Specialized Equipment

Jamison's Power Amp is a portable device that is strapped to Jamison's back, designed to harness the power of sound waves in battle.   The Power Amp has five frequency settings, each with a different effect on the surrounding environment. The first setting, called the Low-Frequency Wave, is a deep, rumbling sound that can create vibrations in the ground, destabilizing opponents and causing them to lose their footing.   The second setting, known as the Mid-Frequency Wave, produces a sharp, piercing sound that can deafen opponents and disrupt their balance.   The third setting, called the High-Frequency Wave, produces a high-pitched sound that can shatter glass and damage hearing.   The fourth setting, known as the Sonic Wave, is a combination of all three frequencies, creating a massive shockwave that can knock opponents back and cause structural damage to buildings.   The fifth and final setting, called the Resonant Frequency Wave, is the most powerful of all. This setting creates a frequency that resonates with the molecular structure of any object it comes into contact with. This can cause objects to vibrate at such a high frequency that they disintegrate into dust, making it an extremely dangerous setting that Jamison only uses as a last resort.   In battle, Jamison uses the Power Amp to create a wide range of effects that can be used to his advantage. For example, he can use the Low-Frequency Wave to create tremors in the ground, causing opponents to lose their footing and become vulnerable to attack. The Mid-Frequency Wave can be used to disorient opponents, giving Jamison the opportunity to strike.   The High-Frequency Wave can be used to shatter glass, creating a distraction and allowing Jamison to escape. The Sonic Wave is a powerful offensive weapon, capable of knocking opponents back and causing widespread destruction.   Despite its many advantages, the Power Amp does have some drawbacks. For one, it requires a significant amount of magical energy to operate, meaning that Jamison must be careful not to overuse it. Additionally, the Power Amp's sound waves can be neutralized by opponents who have a high resistance to sound-based attacks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jamison Preistraeus and his brother Jaeger were born into a family of Selkie bards in the underwater city of Sealstone Harbor. From a young age, they were trained in the art of music and storytelling, and as they grew older, they began to perform at local festivals and events.   But Jamison yearned for more than just performing in his hometown. He wanted to travel the world, to see new lands and meet new people. When Jaeger agreed to accompany him on his journey, they set out on foot, carrying only their instruments and a small amount of provisions.   Their travels took them through dense forests, across winding rivers, and over treacherous mountains. Along the way, they encountered many different peoples and cultures, each with their own unique music and stories to share. Jamison and Jaeger quickly became known as some of the most skilled bards in the land, and their performances were eagerly anticipated wherever they went.   One day, in the town of Petalhaven, they met two Dwarven guitarists named Luthar Ivaris and Jannik Cazkar, and a Human drummer named Durin Ritzley. Together, they formed a band, each member bringing their own unique style and talent to the group.   As the lead singer and frontman, Jamison quickly established himself as a natural leader, with a powerful voice and a commanding stage presence. He was soon dubbed "The Bard King" by his fans


Jamison's education was a combination of formal training and self-study. He was taught the basics of music and performance by his parents, who were both accomplished bards in their own right. As he grew older, Jamison began to seek out other musicians and bards to learn from, often trading songs and stories with them.


Busker: After completing his apprenticeship, Jamison started traveling from town to town, performing on the streets as a busker to earn his keep.   Court Musician: As Jamison's reputation grew, he was invited to perform at various noble courts and events throughout the kingdom of Arvandor.   Band Leader: Finally, Jamison formed his own band, the Uncommon Aerindorians, with his brother Jaeger and other talented musicians, and became their lead singer and frontman.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Winner of the Bardic Battle of Petalhaven Performed for the royal court of Arvandor Headlined the Dragonfire Festival, the largest music festival in the land Collaborated with famous elven singer-songwriter, Lirienwen Inducted into the Bardic Hall of Fame Performed for the royal court of the Dragonborn kingdom of Drakonia and received a standing ovation from the king himself Received the "Golden Lute" award from Crecendia, the Goddess of music for his contribution to the advancement of bardic music Became the first bard to successfully perform the "Thunderous Rhapsody" a spell that stunned an entire audience with its beauty and power Composed a musical tribute to the fallen heroes of the War of the Three Kingdoms titled "Drawing Swords" that brought tears to the eyes of even the toughest warriors. Jamison was the first bard to successfully perform the "Harmony of the Elements" spell, a magical composition that combines the sounds of earth, wind, fire, and water into a breathtaking symphony.   His biggest achivemnent, however, isnt a large performance or playing for a certain person; The town of Greenhollow had hired Jamison and his band to perform at their annual summer festival, which was held on the shore of the Misty Lake. According to local legend, playing music at a certain hour of the night in a particular forest nearby was said to summon the spirits of the dead, so the band made sure to stay on the beach away from the forest.   As the night went on, the band played on, and the crowd was loving it. Suddenly, a dark mist began to creep in from the forest, slowly engulfing the area. The crowd started to panic, but Jamison and his band kept playing, determined not to let their fans down.   Then, out of the mist, emerged a Lich, a powerful undead being known for its magical abilities. The Lich seemed intent on causing chaos, its eyes glowing with malevolent energy.   Jamison stepped forward, singing a beautiful melody that glowed with a bright light. The light grew stronger and stronger, until it enveloped the Lich and forced it back. The crowd cheered as the Lich staggered, weakened by the band's music.   Jamison's voice boomed across the forest as he cast a spell that sent a wave of sound towards the lich. Luthar's guitar strings glowed with magical energy as he played a riff that sent a shockwave towards the undead creature. Durin's drumsticks were a blur as he cast spells with every beat, while Jannik's guitar throbbed with power, sending out waves of sonic energy that shook the very ground beneath their feet.   As the Lich struggled against the band's musical onslaught, Jamison called out to the crowd, urging them to stay calm and stay together. The band members spread out, forming a protective barrier around the crowd, using their spells to hold the Lich at bay.   The battle raged on, the band members casting spell after spell, their music pulsing with magical energy. The Lich fought back with its own dark magic, but the band refused to give up.   Finally, after what felt like hours, the Lich let out a bloodcurdling scream and vanished, defeated by the band's music. The crowd erupted into cheers, and Jamison and his bandmates took a bow, exhausted but triumphant.

Failures & Embarrassments

Jamison and his band were scheduled to perform in the town of Canopy's Reach, but only one person showed up to the show. Rather than canceling the performance or feeling discouraged, Jamison introduced himself to the lone audience member and played on as if it were a sold-out show. Though the experience was humbling, it taught him the value of persistence and determination.   Jamison struggled with impostor syndrome earlier in his career as a musician. He often questioned whether he truly belonged in the industry or if he was just "kidding himself." As he improved as an artist, he found that his peers were also becoming more experienced, leading him to doubt his own abilities even more.   When people would ask him what he did for a living and he responded with "I'm an artist," he felt like they assumed he was broke and struggling. It took him ten years to feel comfortable identifying as an artist and to believe in his own abilities.   Jamison found that his journey as an artist was full of highs and lows, but he put a lot of work into it and had a passion for it. He recognized that everyone's path is different, and while some people may have a clear career path from the beginning, others, like himself, have to try different things until they find what they truly love.

Intellectual Characteristics

Creative Resourceful Analytical Innovative Reflective Open-minded Curious Humble Kind Intuitive Observant Persevering Adaptable

Morality & Philosophy

Morality:   Jamison is a deeply moral individual who believes in doing what is right, even if it is not easy or popular. He believes in treating others with kindness and respect, and in standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. He is a champion of justice and equality, and is not afraid to speak out against injustice or oppression. He believes in the inherent goodness of people, and strives to bring out the best in everyone he meets.   Philosophy:   Jamison's philosophy is one of creativity and self-expression. He believes that everyone has something unique and valuable to contribute to the world, and that it is important to find one's own voice and share it with others. He is a firm believer in the power of music to bring people together and to inspire positive change. He believes that art and creativity are essential components of the human experience, and that they can help us to connect with our inner selves and with others in meaningful ways. He is a lifelong learner, and is constantly seeking out new experiences and knowledge to inform his art and his worldview.

Personality Characteristics


Jamison's motivation is rooted in his love for music and his desire to entertain and inspire others through his performances. He sees music as a way to bring people together, to lift their spirits, and to create a sense of community. He also strives to constantly improve his skills as a musician and to push the boundaries of what is possible with sound and music.   In addition to his passion for music, Jamison is also motivated by a desire to protect others from harm. He recognizes the power of his abilities and understands that he has a responsibility to use them for good. This is why he has trained extensively to develop his magical abilities and why he uses them to defend others when needed.
Current Status
On Tour
Short, Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Music has always been a way to escape for me. It's the ultimate form of expression, and it's a way to connect with people on a deeper level."   "We live in a crazy world, and sometimes it feels like everything is falling apart. But music can be a way to bring people together and make a difference."   "I don't write songs to be famous or make money. I write songs because it's what I love to do, and because I believe in the power of music."   "Music is a universal language. It doesn't matter where you come from or what language you speak, everyone can understand and connect with a good song."   "I want our music to be a reflection of the world we live in. Sometimes that means tackling difficult topics or addressing social issues, but it's important to use our platform to create positive change."   "As a songwriter, I'm constantly inspired by the world around me. Whether it's a conversation I overhear or a news story I read, there's always something that sparks an idea."   "One of the greatest things about music is that it can evoke emotions in a way that words alone cannot. A song can make you feel happy, sad, angry, or inspired."   "Music has the power to heal. When you're going through a tough time, sometimes the only thing that can make you feel better is a good song."   "At the end of the day, all we really want is to connect with people through our music. If we can make even one person feel something, then we've done our job."
Follower of Crecendia, Goddess of Music
Aligned Organization

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