Thaddeus Fowler Character in Aeria | World Anvil
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Thaddeus Fowler

Lelou's Character

Thaddeus grew up among his people looking down upon the mountain in which the dwarves dwelled and labored. Between his insatiable curiosity and clumsy adolescence, he made few friends among his own kind during his childhood and found, as a young adult, he found himself listing and without direction. It was during this time he met and befriended Skorn Deeprock, a young dwarf of similar temperament. They quickly forged a friendship and Thaddeus grew obsessed with the dwarves vastly different lifestyle under the mountain which held many secrets, most treasured among them their knowledge of crafting from stone and metal. Thaddeus quickly realized a role he could play for both his new friends and his people and took to learning the dwarves forge-craft, which his friend Skorn so generously offered. In return, Thaddeus offered some insight into the needs of his own people and allowed Skorn’s family to prosper somewhat from that additional market. Thaddeus spent many years among the dwarves learning all they were willing to teach but eventually, the sky called to him once more and he returned to seek out the next chapter of his life.

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