Eerrick Character in Aeria | World Anvil
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Gymerix's character

Wizard Eerrick Ely Strongbeak (a.k.a. Ricky)


La di da da da di da, la di da da da di da… oh sorry did not see you there. How can I help you? (silence reigns) What haven’t you seen an Owl Aarakocra before. Now if you don’t mind I am reading a very interesting book about the effect of the cycle of the moon on the growth of the moonblossom flower. Goes back to reading but sees the young student still standing there with a stupid look on his face. Sigh. You’re still here? The student nods. What do you want?… You want to know why I am here? Isn’t it obvious! I am here to study in this great library of this university. … How I got here?... Dear lord! I flew here you dimwit! You’re aren’t that bright are you? The student nods. Well at least you are honest about that. Now if I tell you a quick summary of my life and why I ended up here will you leave me alone. The student nods.   Very well. I was born in Highpeak to a mother and father who were great hunter warriors and only wanted their children to be as great hunter warriors as they are. Well as you can see, I am no hunter warrior, but my parents would not accept anything else. They would not listen to my protest that I didn't want to be a hunter warrior. They forced me to train day and night but to their disappointment I could not pick up the skills to be a hunter warrior. So they made me train even more. I was miserable my only solace were my books I hid away so my parents couldn’t find them. Why I hid them from my parents? Well when I told them I love reading and wanted to be a librarian instead of a hunter warrior they got so mad they whipped me, it took weeks before my feathers grew normally on my back. The worst part was they destroyed all the books in the house. So I learned to hide my books. A year after my whipping I was reading a very interesting book regarding the effects of the seasons on the winterblossom. I got carried away in the book and missed my training session. My parents came looking for me and saw that I was reading. To say that they were mad was an understatement. They were raging. They whipped me so bad that it took years for my feathers to grow normally. They forced me to show where I hid my books and they destroyed them. All of this was done in front of my whole family and they all laughed. Each of my siblings also took turns beating me up and my parents just watched and said that I deserve all of this.   For weeks I was tormented and beaten by my siblings and my parents. One night I remembered that I haven’t told every hiding place I kept my books. There was one I didn’t told them of, the one under the floor board under my dresser. I retrieved it and I was lucky it was an alchemy book. I search and found a potion that would solve all my troubles. An invisibility potion. It took me three months to gather all the ingredients needed for the potion. On the night my potion was ready, I drank it and looked in the mirror. It worked. I packed my bag with my alchemy book and some clothing. I quietly made my way to the kitchen and packed some food. As I was making my way to get out of the house I noticed that the potion was wearing off so I rushed out of the house and started to fly. Luckily no one saw me.I looked back at my childhood nightmare of a home for the very last time and I flew away and I never turn back are returned to Highpeak.   I flew and flew far away until I came upon a sage temple. At this point I was tired and hungry. I ate the last of my food three days ago and I was not lucky on my hunts. The temple’s sages greeted me and fed me. They didn’t get many visitors. Their last visitor was some half-elf named Thranealas, a shadow sorcerer, who left a year or two ago to go to some other continent to escape from his family. They asked me what I like and I said I like reading. At that they got excited and they pulled me away from my dinner and guided me to their library vault. When we got there I gawked. I have never seen so many books in one place. There were shelves upon shelves row upon rows of books. When the sages saw my face they say I can stay here and become a sage, and I did.   Over the years I learn great many things and grew up to be one exceptional sage. The Head Sage noticed and guided me to another section of the library vault that are only reserved for those of great potential, such as myself. In those vaults I found wizarding books, scrolls, codex, tablets, and more. It is also there that I learn that I am a wizard. The Head Sage guided me through my studies to be a wizard and I discovered I had a knack for evocation spells and became an evocation wizard. After a couple of years, the Head Sage told me I had great potential and to grow to be a great wizard but to do that I must got out into the world and search for new knowledge. So not long after I left but only after going away banquet the sages prepared.   And so, I set off to discover new places and learned new things. I went from university to university library to library even some interesting ruins and I learnt a great deal. In my adventure of knowledge I came upon this library where a dimwitted student interrupted me in my studying… Does this satisfy you? The student nods and leaves. Finally peace and quiet now I can go back to my book. Reading but sensed a presence and saw another student gawking. Great not another one. Gets up grabs the book and smack the student on the head with the book. The student crumbles to the ground unconscious. Lord they are weak and dimwitted here. I am leaving. I am going back to Zephys to a more civilized and intelligent people. Steps over the student and leaves the university library and flies away to Zephys.

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