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Split between the continents of Kierva, Ninyeth, and Cyndar, Aeos is the ancestral home of the elves. That is, until some daemons caused a tear into the realm and attempted mass annihilation. Three Elysians, an ancient race of immortals, combined their power with the latent magic of the land and were able to drive the daemons back, but not without cost.   Aeos' lands paid the price for this great battle, known as The Sundering, and are near-devoid of magic. Cyndar was left a toxic wasteland, Kierva a frozen tundra, and Ninyeth a temperate grassland only speckled with some of the lush forests of yester-years.   Humans eventually settled into the weakened elven territory. Years of tenuous relationships passed until relations pushed past the tipping point. Now, the borders between humans and elves are strife with conflict and growing more dangerous by the day.   When the human leader, King Dharryk, decides to make a pact he might soon regret, it is everyone, elves and humans alike, who will pay the price.

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