Aeon elementa Justain, the First Emperor
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Justain, the First Emperor



Justain becomes Emperor

Victorious, Justain returned from the hall of the merchants to a ravaged but grateful city. Upon seeing Justain, shining with divine might, the people fell to their knees. They tore down the statues to Mammon and put up shrines to Elohim, a spirit of faithfulness flowing through the city. Those who still bore the corruption of greed within was burned at the stake and evil was rooted out. After the Holy Purge, Justain was approached by the city’s elders, carrying a crown, and before the entirety of the city of Equitor, he was crowned the first Emperor of Taldor. As his first order, Justain had the remains of the hall of the merchant lords torn down and ordered the use of the wealth found in the vaults be used to make the Cathedral he had been denied. Such was his promise to his God Elohim fulfilled. During his reign, the Holy Taldorian Empire grew to encompass all of the Taldorian provinces, the lands he had conquered during the war and the majority of the central Kaiju Republic provinces. Justain even moved the capital from Equitor to the former Kaiju Capital, rebuilding the city so that it became as splendid as ever before.

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