Elemental Crafting Feats Document in Aeon Elementa | World Anvil
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Elemental Crafting Feats

Table of Crafting Feats

Alchemical Infusion4Expert in CraftingUse Infused Ingredients to boost Ingredient.Alchemical Infusion
Blessed Armaments4Expert in ReligionUse Religion to craft and use spell slots to boost Outer Plane Ingredient.Blessed Armaments
Deconsecration4Expert in ReligionExtract Essences from Consecrated AreasDeconsecration
Disenchanter4Expert in ArcanaExtract Essences from magical itemsDisenchanter
Efficient Brewer7Master in CraftingCraft more alchemical itemsEfficient Brewer
Efficient Elemental Crafter2Expert in CraftingUse 1 less Ingredient of an elementEfficient Elemental Crafter
Enchanter4Expert in ArcanaUse Arcana to craft and use spell slots to boost Elemental Ingredient.Enchanter
From Blood, Life2Expert in MedicineGather Primordial Fluids from slain enemiesFrom Blood, Life
Leyline Focus4Expert in NatureExtract Essences from Leyline IntersectionsLeyline Gatherer
Material Master7Master in CraftingUse Ingredients of chosen material at 2 higher levelsMaterial Master
Planar Essence Crafter7Master in CraftingCraft Outer Plane EssencesPlanar Essence Crafter
Primal Infusion4Expert in NatureUse Nature to craft and use spell slots to boost Primordial Ingredient.Primal Infusion
Primordial Dissolution7Master in CraftingCraft Elemental essences from Primordial and Discordant ingredientsPrimordial Dissolution
Primordial Distillation7Master in CraftingCraft Primordial Essences from the four elementsPrimordial Distillation
Spirit Binder4Expert in OccultUse Occult to craft and use spell slots to boost Discordant Ingredient.Spirit Binder
Spirit Harvester4Expert in OccultExtract Essences from BattlefieldsSpirit Harvester

Alchemical Infusion

Requirement: Expert in Crafting, Infused Ingredients Class Feature.
You have studied the science of alchemy and use your knowledge to instill special alchemical properties in weapons. Select one Type of Ingredient (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran, Primordial or Discordant). When using this Type of Ingredients for crafting, you can expend a batch of Infused Ingredients to imbue raise the ingredient's level to half of your Advanced Alchemy Level.

Blessed Armaments

Requirements: Expert in Religion
You can bless the weapons of the faithful to smite your enemies, imbuing them with magical power. You can use Religion in place of Crafting for the purposes of feats, activities, and actions related to Elemental Crafting. Additionally, if you can cast Divine Magic, select one Outer Plane Type (Cursed, Damned, Blessed or Exalted). When using one of these for crafting, you can expend a spell slot to imbue raise the ingredient's level to that of the used spell.


Requirements: Expert in Religion
You can drain the blessings of the Gods, converting them into material essences. To do so, you must perform a short 10-minute ritual at a place that has been Consecrated. The type of Essence gained depends on the deity to which the site was Consecrated. Roll a Religion check, with the results as follows:
Success: You craft one Essence of twice the level of the Consecrate Spell.
Critical Success: You craft two Essences of twice the level of the Consecrate Spell.
Failure: You fail to make meaningful headway.
Critical Failure: You are cursed by the god of the Consecration, immediately being affected by the Geas ritual.



Requirements: Expert in Arcana
You can disenchant magical items. To disenchant an item, you must perform a small 10-minute ritual, consuming the magical item and creating magical essences. Roll an Arcana check, with the results as follows:
Success: You craft one Essence of the level of the item and the item is reduced to dust.
Critical Success: You craft two Essences of the level of the item.
Failure: You fail to make meaningful headway.
Critical Failure: You reduce the item without gaining any essences.

Efficient Brewer

Requirements: Master in Craft
You are efficient at alchemical items. Whenever you Craft a batch of alchemical items using Elemental Crafting, you brew one extra item.

Efficient Elemental Crafter

Requirements: Expert in Craft
Select one Elemental Element (Auran, Aquan, Ignan or Terran). Whenever you craft an item using an ingredient of that element, you need one less element (Minimum 1) of that type.


Requirement: Expert in Arcana
You imbue arms and armor with magical might to strike down your enemies. You can use Arcana in place of Crafting for the purposes of feats, activities, and actions related to Elemental Crafting. Additionally, if you can cast Arcane Magic, select one Element type (Aquan, Auran, Ignan or Terran). When using one of these for crafting, you can expend a spell slot to imbue raise the ingredient's level to that of the used spell.

From Blood, Life

Requirement: Expert in Medicine
Your study of the vampiric arts has taught you how to extract the very essence of life itself from the blood of any creature. Whenever you use medicine to harvest ingredients from a humanoid with blood, you gain one extra Primordial Fluid ingredient of the creature's level.

Leyline Gatherer

Requirements: Expert in Nature
You can focus the energies flowing through the Leylines into Primordial Essences. To do so, you must perform a short 10-minute ritual at a site of intersecting Ley Lines. Roll a Nature check, with the results as follows:
Success: You craft one Primordial Essence of the level of the spirit watching over the area.
Critical Success: You craft two Primordial Essences of the level of the spirit watching over the area.
Failure: You fail to make meaningful headway.
Critical Failure: You are cursed by the spirit watching over the area, immediately being affected by the Geas ritual.

Material Master

Requirements: Master in Craft
You are a master of using one particular Type of ingredient (Metal, Wood, Herb, Bone, Hide, Fluid, Mineral or Essence). When you use this Type of Ingredient to craft an item, it counts as two levels higher.

Planar Essence Crafter

Requirements: Master in Craft
You are capable of fusing elements, making Outer Plane Elements from their base components. To make an Outer Plane element, you must expend one of each ingredient making up the component parts. You then take the Craft Activity, with the results as follows:
Success: You craft one Essence of the level of the lowest level Ingredient.
Critical Success: You craft two Essences of the level of the lowest level Ingredient.
Failure: You fail to make meaningful headway.
Critical Failure: You destroy all ingredients.

Primal Infusion

Requirement: Expert in Nature
You use the primal energies of Gaia and Luna to craft powerful armaments for you and your allies. You can use Nature in place of Crafting for the purposes of feats, activities, and actions related to Elemental Crafting. Additionally, if you can cast Primal Spells, when using Primordial Ingredients for crafting, you can expend a spell slot to imbue raise the ingredient's level to that of the used spell.

Primordial Dissolution

Requirements: Master in Craft
You are capable of distilling elemental essences from Primordial ingredients. To make an elemental ingredient from a Primordial Ingredient, you must expend the Primordial Ingredient and a Discordant Ingredient of the same level or higher. You then roll a Craft Activity, with the results as follows:
Success: You change the Element of the Primordial ingredient to any element of your choice.
Critical Success: You change the Element of the ingredient to any element of your choice and gain one Elemental Essence of your choice of the same level.
Failure: You fail to make meaningful headway.
Critical Failure: You destroy all ingredients.

Primordial Distillation

Requirements: Master in Craft
You are capable of distilling elemental ingredients into Primordial Essences. To make a Primordial Essence from Elemental Ingredients, you must expend one ingredient of each of the four Elements; Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and Terran. You then roll a Craft Activity, with the results as follows:
Success: You craft one Primordial Essence of the level of the lowest level Elemental Ingredient.
Critical Success: You craft two Primordial Essences of the level of the lowest level Elemental Ingredient.
Failure: You fail to make meaningful headway.
Critical Failure: You destroy all ingredients.


Spirit Binder

Requirement: Expert in Occult
You bind the essence of the dead to magical objects, borrowing their power for a while. You can use Occult in place of Crafting for the purposes of feats, activities, and actions related to Elemental Crafting. Additionally, if you can cast Occult Spells, when using Discordant Ingredients for crafting, you can expend a spell slot to imbue raise the ingredient's level to that of the used spell.

Spirit Harvester

Requirements: Expert in Occult

You can gather leftover spiritual energy from a battlefield. To do so, you must perform a short 10-minute ritual at a site of the violent death of creatures with souls. Roll an Occult check, with the results as follows:
Success: You craft one Discordant Essence of the same level as the highest level soul in the area.
Critical Success: You craft two Discordant Essences of the same level as the highest level soul in the area.
Failure: You fail to make meaningful headway.
Critical Failure: You anger the spirits in the area, immediately being affected by the Geas ritual.

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