Miliim Geographic Location in Aen | World Anvil

Miliim (MIH-LEEM)

This article is about the geographical region. To learn about the nation that occupies this region, visit the Federation of Miliim.


Miliim is a vast artic tundra that, outside of the winter months, is too warm for snow; instead, the region is subjected to perpetual rainfall with few breaks from the beginning of spring through to the end of autumn. Much like Aldurstein, Miliim is divided by a fjord that cuts through it ins western edge, and many of its settlements are built along that fjord, using it as a means to trade with other nations rather than relying on ground transport through the often-muddy landscape.


Bair Taiga

The Bair Taiga is the western forest of Miliim. In its northernmost reaches, the ironwood pines here are covered in snow that drifts down from the northern region of Vaernebo.



More ecologically diverse than the Bair Taiga, Behlwood is a large forest that sprawls from the northern edge of Miliim all the way to the southern banks of Fjord Diviir. Hundreds of different species of plant and animal can be found within the Behlwood, though the naturally-occuring dangers like quagmires, quicksand, and frequent landslides make it a deadly region to explore.


FJord Diviir

A lengthy, narrow fjord that cuts into western Miliim, numerous myths have developed regarding how this fjord was first created. The most common belief is that the Charybdis Setn carved this path and made it his home when Sorovea first created the massive aquatic being. Regardless of its origins, the fjord is a vital element of trade and seafaring transport within Miliim, as countless settlements make use of it, prefering trade by sea over land due to the perpetual rain that makes land travel a challenge for many traders. While the fjord is more narrow even than Baraka Fjord in Aldurstein, it doesn't have the same natural hazards that plague Baraka, allowing more vessels to safely travel through it, though with some guidance by lighthouses erected in every settlement along the ridge of the fjord.


Leandra's Breach

An ancient wall that was erected between Miliim and Suorr during The Courting of Ejiiri, when the mercenaries of Suorr and the forces of Miliim's allies retreated to Miliim to make a final stand against Zukei. It was broken through by an Aerdan general, Leandra Maciel, who died in the subsequent battle. No efforts have been made since to restore the wall, as Suorr and Miliim have no quarrels and there has been no need for such defenses since the Courting.


Leonov's Rest

At the westernmost point of Elzveir in Miliim is the place where Leonov Mhiina watched the sunset before claimining his own life in keeping with the promise he had made to all Elzveir as punishment for his war crimes. His dragon, Dhahbuaes, remained there at his side and would not allow any to come to his rider's resting place. Dhahbuaes is believed to still be there, guarding the home of his former rider.


Mt. Zakiya

A lone mountain that was once a volcano, though it is no longer active. Rumors of a dragon that has made its home within the old volcano have spread far and wide, though it is uncertain if there is any truth to these rumors. Would-be dragonslayers have occasionally ventured to Zakiya in the hopes of making a name for themselves, but have never returned.


Muhl Flats

Muhl Flats is a muddy region in the southern half of Miliim that is nearly impassable without following the carefully constructed roads and bridges, all of which require significant upkeep as they rapdily fall into disrepair due to the shaky and unstable nature of the terrain in this region.



Bordering the southern edge of Miliim is a stretch of wide hills of gravel, mud, sand, and clay. It is notorious for its impassibility and the frequent landslides that descend from it when even the smallest change is made to the unstable terrain.


Pretan Sands

The Pretan Sands is the region of Miliim where the rain finally stops and dry sand prevails. Still a challenge to traverse but with far fairer weather, the sands are the most moderately-temperate region in Miliim. Before the Reckoning, the Pretan Sands were a place of relaxation and retirement—an oasis from the duldrum. Since the Reckoning, however, the sands have been a site of frequent battle to keep the corrupted denizens of Cyfrolaef from reaching Miliim and its people.


Ridge Mpevan

South of Diviir is a cluster of mountains along the western edge of Miliim. The mountains existed prior to the Reckoning, but were altered heavily by the impact of Cor'Athvaarn, as it antripodal lift caused the mountain range to deviate slightly. Now, the caves and tunnels beneath the mountain are subjected to the slowly-spreading corruption from Cor'Athvaarn, making the region surrounding the mountains quite dangerous.


Ultimsicao is an unusual forest of incredibly tall but strange trees. The trees here stand more than fifty meters tall, but their deep roots have been touched by the seeping corruption of Cyfrolaef to the south, causing them to become oily, black, and twisted. The corruption of this forest is not so great that the nearby settlements have been evacuated, but some creatures who consume plants have become tainted by the strange liquid that leaks from the trees, causing them to become violent and mangled.

Vaern Pass

Between Behlwood and Bair Taiga is a tundra that stretches from Fjord Diviir into Vaernebo. The land is frequently coated with a thin layer of ice over the rocks and brush, even during the summer months. Vaern Pass has historically been the sight of numerous skirmishes between Vaernebo and Miliim due to its nearness to the shared border and the minimal environmental defenses for either army, making it prime for ambushes (particularly aerial ambushes).

Fauna & Flora

Miliim is home to the magical Uumbuka bush. There may be more flora to discover.
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Comparative Geography

Kalaallit Nunaat Tundra

Yukon, Canada

Comparative Society/Governance

United Arab Emirates

Comparative Architecture

Historically, architecture was akin to the Moorish architecture, from roughly the 8th-10th centuries.

However, each region has since adopted the architectural styles most familiar to the individual governing that area, resulting in frankensteined architecture.



Suggested Accent (if desired)

African, though heavily influenced by the ruling party's own accent at this stage.

Bastard Name


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