Madijara Settlement in Aen | World Anvil


"The city birthed by the railroad" is how many refer to Madijara. What started as a short stop for railroad travelers to grab a drink eventually expanded into an epicenter of trade, primarily catering to nonpermanent townsfolk (those looking for work, for a vacation, or for those just looking to lay low for a while.) Visitors to Madijara can look forward to visiting the Branding Iron Saloon, the oldest operating business, outlasting even Madijara's classification as a town. Other highlights include a number of gambling halls, ranches, and other amusements   Notes: Current Governor: Isidore Habbi (301-Present) Representative: Aline Morad (301-Present) Vice Representative: Olivier Elbin (301-Present)


25% human, 25% sun elf, 15% gaian, 15% half-elf, 10% moet, 5% hibridia, 5% other ancestries
Large city
Location under
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Owning Organization


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