Jak Whyld (Lyssonadial) Character in Aen | World Anvil
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Jak Whyld (Lyssonadial)

Lord of Light (a.k.a. Lyssonadial)

Two crows perched on a large oak branch, claws digging into the old bark. They watched, with beady eyes, the cart slowly making its way down the once paved road. It had not rained in months, so the hard packed ground gave the wheels an easy path to follow. The glossy black birds looked on at the cart’s inhabitants: a leathery old man driving it, although it could hardly be called driving, as the mule in front knew exactly where to go; the only driving the old man did was to twitch the mule back to the road occasionally, and a young golden haired boy dozing in the back. Cawing, the pair of crows left their perch, winging away in the pre dusk light.

Divine Domains


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, but not exceptionally so.

Body Features

Pale, golden haired

Physical quirks

Right handed,

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Who most know as 'Jak Whyld' is actually Old God Lyssonadial, the Lord of Light. Fed up with the raging war, he gets his sister Mynne to erase his memory and take away his powers, and Lyssonadial became Jak Whyld, noble child of Asleigh.




Intense tutoring from many different scholars his parents hired.

Accomplishments & Achievements

From a young age, Jak was able to escape his parents' large estate in the middle of Asleigh, and go on adventures in the city. He has always had a natural talent of blending in with crowds.

Mental Trauma

Truamatized by his best friends death. Doesn't form friendships easily.

Personality Characteristics


Initially, wants nothing more than to escape an arranged marriage, and the posh life he grew up in along with it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at blending in a crowd, ironically has a hard time talking to people if they're alone


Social Aptitude

Very nervous when talking to strangers in a private environment, especially women. However, in public, he can talk his way out of most situations.

Wealth & Financial state

Parents are very wealthy people. Jak took some money with him on his escape, enough to hire a cart driver, but that runs out quickly.
Divine Classification
Old God
Year of Birth
1627 NY 18 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Jak was not born, he was a god who was fed up with the war and wanted no part in it. With the the help of his sister Mynne, his memories were erased, his powers subdued, and he was "born" to a noble family in Asleigh.
Light Blue, Grey in some light
Golden, Long
Quotes & Catchphrases
I am not here to make friends.
Known Languages

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