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Once upon a time, Nine Realms existed - all bound together by the branches of a Great Tree. The denizens of these worlds varied - Gods, Giants, Dwarves, Elves, and of course, Humans. After aeons of existing with one another the Doom came, and the Nine Realms were destroyed.   Uniting together for a cause, the Dwarves and Giants collaborated to create a new world from the ashes of the old. Taking the remnants of the Nine Realms, the Dwarven smiths worked in the forges of the Giants to create the World of Aegis; sewn together with the roots of the Great Tree and bound within a great Iron Ring.   Millenia later, Aegis is entering an age of industry. Though its inhabitants thrive, many dangers yet lurk unseen.   Aegis calls for heroes - will you answer?

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