Northlands Geographic Location in Aedrus | World Anvil
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The northern lands of Aedrus. A wild and untamed region without major civilization, it is occupied by the Yaboni tribes, the Orcish clans, and the Ageless.  

Political Structure

  The Northlands are generally regarded as unconducive to large-scale civilization, and political boundaries are essentially non-existent. Both the Yaboni tribes and Orc clans are nomadic by nature, typically on the move to seek resources and avoid extermination by their enemies.   The Ageless are believed to reside beyond the Barren Wastes, but their governing methods are unknown, as no one has ever recorded them and lived to tell about it.  


  The Northlands begin at the Titan's Teeth mountain range, which open into rolling foothills and--eventually--the sprawling, thick forests that blanket the middle belt of the region. Generally, the Yaboni reside in the southern glades, while the orcs prefer the north, but the nomadic nature of both people means that this is more a suggestion than a rule.   Even the heartiest humanoids tend to balk at venturing further north, however. Snow and ice set in quick, and rapidly turn into a tundra nearly devoid of life, known as the Barren Wastes. The Ageless (or "Sengasa," in the Yaboni tongue) are rumored to dwell beyond, in what is widely considered the cradle of necromancy on Aedrus.
Inhabitants   The Yaboni   The Orcish Horde   The Ageless   Notable Locations   Glade of the Epinoin   The Tidal Maw   Tamoachan   Primeval Citadel

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