The Cult of Loriel Organization in Adventuria | World Anvil
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The Cult of Loriel

Public Agenda

An offshoot of worship of Lunara, the Goddess of the Moon and Dreams, which directs its prayers to her through her servant, the angel Loriel.

Granted Divine Powers

Lunara has her clerics, of course, but Loriel occasionally empowers warlocks in his own right. His preferred candidates are his own mortal descendants, who manifest aasimar heritage among otherwise human bloodlines. Known descendants of Loriel (and central members of his cult) include House Kindfeather, and the current vessel of his power is Lord Ebin Kindfeather.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Unlike what people usually think of when they hear the word "cult", the Cult of Loriel is fairly benign. It's really just sort of an alternate way to worship Lunara, and they don't really try to push it on people. Lunara's more mainstream faith don't feel threatened by them; they just think of them as somewhat unorthodox weirdoes.
Religious, Cult

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