The Court of the Fair Ones Organization in Adventures Across the Multiverse | World Anvil
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The Court of the Fair Ones

Ruling from the Shining Throne in Kaerlud, the Court of the Fair Ones is the name given to the ruling body of all of Avalon.


The head of the Court of the Fair Ones are the two regents, the Winter Queen and the Summer King. While the regents have ultimate power, they are served by a body of nobles known as the Parliament of Light.   Any children of the regents are called Prince (if male) or Princess (if female) .   The next run of hierarchy are the dukes and duchesses, who oversee large areas (known as duchies). Of near equal status are the marquis who oversee borderlands, all of which are located in one of the kingdoms' various colonies.   Earls, otherwise known as Counts or Countesses, are given rulership over smaller areas of lands, known as Counties. It is possible, however, to be a Count or Countess and own no land, as this title is occasionally given out for duties rendered in service to the Crown.   Barons and Baronesses are landed nobles, and are given their title directly from the King and Queen. They own small areas, perhaps overseeing a single city.   Knights are loyal servants of the Crown, and are often landless or at best are given a very small plot of land to call their own. Knights are normally assigned assistants known as Esquires. Though they are considered minor nobility, knights have very little political power and do not have a seat on the Parliament of Light.   Gentlepersons are those who have enough wealth to need not work actual jobs, but do not have any political sway. Some may be wealthy enough to own land. Many adventurers consider themselves part of this group.

Public Agenda

To rule fairly over the peoples of The Blessed Isles


As a monarchy, the Fair Court has access to nearly limitless supplies.
Geopolitical, Kingdom

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