Ordo Lunares Organization in Adventures Across the Multiverse | World Anvil
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Ordo Lunares

Lycathropy is a disease and it should be rooted out where possible. This is where the Ordo Lunares comes in.


The Ordo is lead by a wood elf named Strongblade, who is the Alpha. Local leaders, known as Betas, control cells of order membes. The rank and file of the organization are the Pack Members, who undertake the majority of Hunts. Below the Pack Members are the Whelps and the Runts, both of which are probationary members of the organization.


The Ordo maintains several safehouses around Kaerlud. They also own several siliver mines throughout The Blessed Isles, which they use primarily to silver the weapons of their members.
Titles and Benefits
  • Runt (1 Renown)--Access to the Ordo Lunares library and safehouse in Kaerlud.
  • Whelp (3 Renown)--Free silvering of one weapon of choice
  • Pack Member (10 Renown)
  • Beta (25 Renown)--Immunity to lycanthropy
  • Alpha (50 Renown)--Must successfully defeat the current Alpha in a chalenge
Military, Other

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